To Happy Ever Afters

Jan 15, 2013 19:45

Title: To Happy Ever Afters 
Summary: Continuation of the AU Imagine Me & You; Stiles and Derek get married.
Warnings: None  
Rating: Teen+
Chapter: 1/1 
Notes: Again, a continuation from the Imagine Me & You AU. I suppose you could read it on its own, though there are mentions of their past together. No beta so mistakes are mine.


Original:  Imagine Me & You
Continuation: To New Homes| To Happy Ever Afters|


“You may now kiss… each other!” Scott beamed into the microphone - from where he stood under the rustic arbour made from twisting entwined old branches with white amaryllis’ hanging off.

“Really Scott?” Stiles groaned; only for half a second before he was launching himself at Derek. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

Besides, Derek very nearly launched himself right at Stiles as well. Their lips met in haste; tongues tracing over lips, exploring inside each other’s mouths. It was just like the first time all over again, and in a sense it was their first. Their first as a newly married couple. If the whoops and cheers from the crowd were anything to go by; they seemed to be enjoying the kiss as well. Because what’s the point of getting married and going through with the whole shebang if you were only to kiss like a blushing virgin? Not that either of these men were blushing virgins by any stretch of the imagination.

Maybe having Scott become ordained online wasn’t the smartest thing; he fumbled his way through the whole ceremony, making a joke here or there - which was usually reserved for Stiles. But at the end of the day, Scott was Stiles’ best friend and after a little battle between Stiles’ best friend and his boyfriend, he got the two of them to be friends. Scott had been reluctant about Derek considering Derek’s whole past, not to mention Scott’s wife Allison; and the fact that she was an Argent despite the truce. Besides, Stiles would have preferred Scott marry them then some stuffy old guy.

Laura had whined asking why she couldn’t be the one to marry her little brother. She thought she’d be perfect for the job but Derek was adamant she wasn’t. He said he didn’t need to be humiliated on his wedding day; her telling embarrassing stories from his past or something. Stiles had piped in saying “Besides, Scott’s not much of a wedding planner, and I need someone to help because Derek sure isn’t” he laughed - loved hearing Laura’s squeal of delight as she ran for her laptop ready to take notes. And Derek now realised he feared more what Laura had planned.

The men had kind of jumped into the whole wedding and marriage thing. Not in terms of the length of their relationship, they’ve been going years strong. Neither of them ever brought up the idea of getting married; and were more than content enough as their relationship was. Until one day.

“So we should get married” Stiles had mentioned one evening when they were both on the couch - Stiles flipping through channels. Derek comfortable having Stiles’ legs stretched out over his lap. It was early September and Stiles’ was just getting back into work, preparing all his class syllabuses and assignments. It was one of their rare occasions of being able to relax.

“What?” Derek asked startled looking to his side to watch Stiles.

“We’ve been together for what 4 years now? Don’t you think it’s time I make an honest man out of you?”

“You want to make an honest man out of me?” questioned Derek raising his eyebrow running his hand over Stiles’ ankle and up his calf.

“It seems logical don’t you think? I’m all about the logic - logistics? Health insurance and all that” Stiles shrugged.

“Health insurance?” Derek muttered scrunching up his nose.


“So?” Derek repeated.

“Oh my God!” Stiles wailed removing his legs from Derek’s lap to bring them under him. “Will you - Derek Hale do the lovely honouring of yourself - to marry me Stiles Stilinski?” Stiles asked rubbing his lips together redness creeping up his neck and tainting his cheeks.

“Of - Of course. Yes” Derek stammered wondering if this was all really happening.

“Thank fuck” Stiles said blowing out a gust of breath toppling over onto Derek’s lap to kiss him. “So uh you’re not expecting a ring or anything right?”

“What happened to making an honest man out of me?” Derek murmured between kisses.

“Eh save it for the wedding day.”

“Bit late” Derek snorted.

“Not that!” Stiles exclaimed pushing off of Derek to smack him on the chest. “I meant the rings.”

So here they were a month and a bit later, October 27th standing in the Hale backyard surrounded by friends and family now officially a married couple. Mr Derek Stilinski - Hale and Mr Stiles Stilinski - Hale. Quite a mouthful but they thought it was perfect.

Derek had to hand it to Laura and Stiles; the backyard looked perfect - despite the cool brisk autumn air of October. They went back and forth about when to get married, in the summer, a Christmas wedding, what? They both agreed on October despite it being less than a month away because they both wanted an autumn wedding; there was something about the changing and falling of leaves, the cool air, pumpkins and warm drinks.

They had a little wooden post that had little arrows pointing in different directions, one to the “bar”, “photo booth” “games” and “food”. They had a white linen covered table off to one side covered with candles and snacks. There was even a little wood plaque sign that read “toffee apples” which contained individually wrapped toffee apples to snack on throughout the evening. Beside the apples was apple cider being kept warm for anyone that didn’t want any alcohol; or just loved apple cider. They even had an honest to God area set out for apple bobbing. Derek had grumbled something about how unsanitary that was before Stiles scoffed reminding Derek of his own words - werewolves don’t catch diseases and Stiles’ human family/friends didn’t have any diseases to catch, don’t be such a worry wart. There were even pumpkins carved out saying “I Love You.” So sue Stiles, he only had once chance at this whole wedding thing and he was going to max out the cheese factor as much as he could.

The main table setting for the grooms and groomsmen and woman had a “Mr and Mr” sign cut out in paper hearts and strung up. The rest of the tables for the guests had the same white linen table covers; pinecones and more candles as the centre pieces. There were no set table seating arrangements; they wanted everyone to mingle amongst each other and walk about. Everyone already knew everyone. Neither of them had a large family so there was no awkward “where should I sit?” “What side should I sit on?”

“Excuse me. Hello” Dave Stilinski said into the microphone clearing his throat after dinner had been served. “Right so - time for speeches. This may very well be the second best wedding I’ve ever been to. In fact, I’m sure of it - right after my own with Stiles’ mother” Dave cleared his throat again gripping his bottle of beer a little tighter. “I’d just like to say how happy I am that I’m not losing a son but gaining another in Derek and by extension Laura, Isaac, Boyd and Erica. Over these past few years you’ve reminded me what it was like to be surrounded and loved by family. Granted I always thought I’d have a daughter-in-law but heh beside the point” he continued as the guests laughed. “Stiles’ mother made me promise to accept Stiles and his decisions no matter what - that he was a smart young boy. It was almost as if she knew -”

“- Even before me!” Stiles quipped laughing along with the rest.

“That was your mother, smart as ever. While she can’t be here, I know she’d be so proud. So proud that you found the one you love, gained a career and made a name for yourself. All without losing sight of what’s important. As you’ve learned throughout your years living with me, it’s hard to balance a work life with family time. And I only hope you don’t make the same mistakes I did; working all those extra hours when you could be spending it with your family. That time is too precious and too short. It’s often said that when your child finds true love, the parent finds true joy. Those words couldn’t be any truer than they are here, tonight. To Stiles and Derek.”

Dave patted his eyes dry, holding up his bottle of beer as the rest of the guests raised their glasses as well to toast. Stiles got up from his seat at the head table to embrace his father in a tight hug not letting go, tears rolling down his face as well. “Thanks dad” Stiles whispered with one last tight squeeze before heading back to his seat.

“Okay, my turn!” Laura shrieked as she took Dave’s place in front of the microphone. “Let it be noted, that I am not at all bitter that my baby brother is getting married before me. I’m still in my prime” she laughed. “In all honesty, this is undoubtedly one of the best moments of my life. To see my baby brother, Derek, so utterly and truly happy. No tension, no problems. Just complete ecstasy - something I haven’t seen since he was a kid. After - After everything -” Laura’s voice cracked but she continued. “I thought that Derek would be destined to the doom and gloom that seemed to surround him, but then in came Stiles. Stiles” she continued smiling at Stiles’ name. “The man who cares about others more than himself, the man who once he’s set his mind to something never gives up. The man, who after finding out some - interesting things - doesn’t flee” she winked at Stiles, hinting at the werewolf innuendo since not all of Stiles extended family knew.

“The man that loves my brother so completely. Almost to the point where it’s sickening. But if I’m being honest with myself, it’s something I crave. Hope to find one day, even. If only you had a brother Stiles!” Laura exclaimed smirking.

“-there’s still my dad!” Stiles interrupted yet again winking back at Laura because even after all these years it was still an on-going joke.

“To all the good times that lay ahead of you even the rough patches. To my beautiful, sweet brother and to the handsome as ever Stiles. To, two amazing people who have their heads but lost their hearts” she raised her glass in toast.

It was Derek’s turn to get up from his seat making his way towards Laura. He embraced her in a hug, lifting her off of her feet a little burying his head into her neck whispering thanks.

“Okay, okay! Enough with the sappiness” Stiles yelled. “Let’s get drunk!”


“Stiles. Derek” Miss Hollis said as she approached where Stiles and Derek stood near the photo booth.

“There she is!” Stiles beamed. “The woman who inadvertently led me to Derek.”

Old Tilly let out a little laugh bringing both of the men into a quick embrace. “I just wanted to tell you that I was heading out.”

“Already?” Derek asked.

“Yes. I am an old woman after all.”

“You don’t look a day over 29” Stiles interrupted.

“Even so” Old Tilly chuckled. “I wanted to thank you for the invite. The service was beautiful, the decorations are amazing. And the flowers, perfection.”

“Well of course; they came from your shop!” Stiles joked.

“Too bad I lost you as a worker.”

“Oh Laura’s doing just fine” Stiles added. Laura had taken over at the wedding shop helping out with Miss Hollis. Laura was in her element, she loved planning peoples weddings or other events; arranging the flowers in these weird but elegant bouquets.

“Goodnight you two. Enjoy the honeymoon” Old Tilly winked as she walked away.

“Ooo the honeymoon. How could I forget” Stiles grinned wrapping his arm around Derek’s waist.

“Mmm” Derek commented.

“Just you and me. No werewolf super hearing. No werewolf super smell. Just me, you and a bed. Or the wall, table. I’m up for anything really” Stiles whispered.

“You keep that up and we’ll do it right there in the photo booth” Derek said pinching Stiles’ ass.

“Oh yes please Mr Stilinski-Hale.”

“For the love of God, please no” Scott groaned making his way up Allison wrapped in his arms.

“It’s their wedding - let them do what they want” Allison giggled.

“Yeah it’s my wedding Scott” Stiles narrowed his eyes.

“Come on - let’s take some pictures in the booth” Derek interrupted pushing Stiles into the booth and beckoning for Scott and Allison to squeeze in.

They pressed the button waited for the countdown to begin before they started their poses. They all smiled on the first one, big goofy carefree smiles. The second, they kissed each other; Stiles and Derek locking lips Scott and Allison placing a quick peck giggling. The third Stiles and Allison pressed their lips against Derek’s cheek with Scott off to the side pouting like a baby. The last Stiles sprawled himself over the other three as they all made funny faces. They laughed exiting from the photo booth waiting for the pictures to develop; taking a quick look at them before dropping them off with all the others from the wedding that they’d make into an album later.

They took pictures among pictures. Some of just Stiles and Derek. Others with Stiles and his father; Stiles, Derek and his father. Derek and his sister with the rest of the pack; and one with everyone. By the end of the night Stiles face ached from grinning so much but it was a small price to pay for the best night of his life.

“Here’s to the happy ever afters” Stiles grinned holding up his cup of apple cider to clink against Derek’s from where they stood under a tree; under the night sky on their own.

“It’s just the beginning” Derek replied.


stiles stilinski, sterek, derek hale

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