Fic: To New Homes

Jan 10, 2013 19:47

Title: To New Homes 
Summary: Continuation of the AU Imagine Me & You; set a few years after the ending of Imagine Me & You when Stiles and Derek move back to Beacon Hills; into their new home. 
Warning: Language, Smut.
Rating Explicit
Chapter 1/1
Further Note: Again, a continuation from the Imagine Me & You AU. I suppose you could read it on it's own, though there are mentions of their past together. No beta so mistakes are mine. 

Imagine Me & You


“This isn’t what I had in mind for our first place back in Beacon Hills” Stiles pointed out as he slid out of the passenger-side door of the moving van.

“You agreed to it” grunted Derek as he opened the back of the moving van revealing all of their combined belongings. More Stiles’ stuff than Derek’s of course.

“I only agreed to it because you asked me during sex!” Stiles exclaimed.

“I asked you after sex.”

“Oh, so you’re what, a partially ethical man? Asking me post coitus, during recuperation rather than during the actual act?” Stiles ridiculed.


“Unbelievable” Stiles muttered under his breath, leaping up the first few steps to enter their new home.

Derek sighed reaching for the first of many boxes that needed to be unpacked. He was seriously regretting allowing Stiles to pack all his belongings that were scattered around his childhood home along with the various bits they’d bought over these past few years together.

Stiles has finally gotten his PhD after three long years in Oregon, the only bright light during those frustrating hours was the fact that he had Derek by his side. He didn’t know how he ever planned to do it before Derek came into his life. Now that he thought about it, he probably owed a little of his success to Derek anyway. Yes, Stiles was a good candidate when he was interviewed by Mr Dawson but the fact that Mr Dawson was not only a werewolf, but Alpha of the pack in Oregon helped considerably. Ralph Dawson obviously smelt Derek all over Stiles (yuck when Stiles really thought about it) but hey what’s better than mutual interests in an interview?

Ralph and the rest of his pack more than welcomed Derek and Stiles when they made the move over to Oregon. He showed them all the right places to shop, where had the best food. Derek even got to spend the full moons with Ralph’s pack, and when Stiles wasn’t busy drowning in the mountain of work he had, he spent time with the humans in Ralph’s pack; keeping them company while the werewolves went for a run. Ralph’s pack not only proved to be a good alliance to the Beacon Hills pack in the future, but also good friends.

Now that Stiles had graduated, the duo are back in Beacon Hills, Stiles with a brand new spanking job; which also explains their new home. Right, the new house, less of a house and more of a cottage - set back a way’s away in the forest. It was at least a modern, newly built cottage with an open concept first floor, with the kitchen flowing into the dining room and family room. The only closed off rooms were the two bedrooms, bathroom and laundry room. The upstairs was a vast, spacious one room; consisting of Derek and Stiles’ room.

They had an en-suite bathroom fit for a king with a sprawling tub, at Stiles insistence, and a double shower. They even had their own balcony looking out back at the wide expanse of trees. The real kicker of course, is that the cottage is located on the Hale property, out behind the newly rebuilt Hale house; which explained Stiles earlier reluctance.

Derek had assured Stiles that they’d have their own privacy, without the pack barging into their new home and that they were far enough away that they wouldn’t hear Stiles yelling if he was being attacked (which wasn’t so reassuring) and they definitely wouldn’t hear Stiles in the middle of sex (extremely reassuring). Stiles had been tempted to say no at first, that they should just find their own place somewhere off of the Hale property. But Derek had given him that look that was so pleading; without actually begging that Stiles finally relented. Besides, he pretty much got the final say on the decorating of the house. Relationships, they’re all about the compromises.

“Hey shouldn’t you have carried me over the threshold or something? Not that I’m not all about equality, but you’re heavy” Stiles asked from where he was perched on a box, watching Derek do all the heavy-lifting. What was the point of having a strong werewolf boyfriend if you still had to carry things?

“We’re not married” Derek pointed out. “If you’re all about equality why aren’t you helping unload?”

“Because, we’re working in our areas of expertise. You unload, I unpack” Stiles explained.

Just as Stiles predicted, it didn’t take long for the rest of the pack to show up; and if they made of a habit of it, he’d throw a fit. But for now, he was more than happy to see their faces because that meant more people to help unload, which meant even less work for Stiles.


It was later that night, after they’d unloaded all the boxes and returned the moving van, waiting for their Chinese food to arrive that Stiles complained. “Couldn’t you be helping?” Stiles asked shooting Derek an accusatory look - though Derek wouldn’t notice because he was currently sprawled out on the couch, arms behind his head and eyes closed.

“Areas of expertise” Derek mimicked, not bothering with the effort of opening his eyes.

Stiles let out a huff of hot air, stomping around the house placing their various belongings where he wanted them and crushing the boxes with a little more force than necessary. All the while pouting like the petulant child that he was being - seriously regretting making that stupid comment about expertise and areas.

The doorbell rang, indicating their food was here, as Stiles was putting away the last of their kitchen utensils. He swore if Derek didn’t get off his ass and pay the delivery man, than Derek would be spending their first night in their new home in the proverbial dog house aka the couch - the one that he currently found so comfortable. Derek apparently knew what was good for him as he gracefully slid off the couch, picking up the money they’d already laid out on their new coffee table to pay the man.

“Mmm I missed Carlos’ crispy chili beef when we were in Oregon” Stiles said as they sat on the floor in the living room. The irony was not lost on him that the owner of the best Chinese restaurant in Beacon Hills was in fact Spanish.

“Food. Mouth” Derek sighed. After three years together Stiles still hadn’t broken his bad habit of chewing with his mouth closed.

“Yeah yeah” Stiles rolled his eyes; because after three years Derek hadn’t realised his sighs of frustration were useless.

“No regrets?” Derek asked a little while later when they were clearing up their dinner mess.

“About eating those last few egg rolls?” Stiles asked back, patting his stomach. “The cramps will go away soon enough, so nope. Nada.”

“About the place. Here. Our home” Derek emphasized the last part.

“What?” Stiles asked eyes open wide as he dropped the last of the containers in the trash. “Are you crazy? This is like the best decision ever. We’re back in Beacon Hills, our own place, own pack, all our own family. This is perfect” Stiles answered honestly.

Derek didn’t need to listen to the beat of Stiles’ heart to know whether he was telling the truth or not, Stiles’ eyes were more than enough for him to get the point across.


“Stiles -” Derek started when he entered the bathroom, lifting his shirt off when he froze mid-air when he saw Stiles.

“Oh hey” Stiles smirked from where he was propped up against the bathroom vanity, ass naked, cock in hand slowly jerking himself off.

Derek hadn't been paying attention, could only hear the water streaming down from the faucet where Stiles had started to prepare the bath, bubbles floating around; lemon scented. He'd been too distracted to keep track of Stiles' movements otherwise he would have probably heard the soft moans escape Stiles' lips as he started to jerk himself.

“Bath is almost ready” Stiles smiled. “But you were taking too long doing God knows what so I thought I'd entertain myself.”

“By jerking yourself off?” Derek asked removing the belt from his jeans letting it clatter to the floor - taking off his jeans and boxers in one swift movement. His eyes darted to tub of lube opened on the counter, clearly already been used.

“That among other things” Stiles answered as he tracked Derek's eye movements which landed on the lube. “You know me and the whole patience thing.”

Derek's eyes lingered a little longer on where Stiles' cock was in his hand, flushed red and so very hard. He darted in an instant to stand in front of Stiles, ready to take over before Stiles' hand flew to Derek's chest stilling him.

“Sit on the edge of the tub” Stiles ordered as he halted movement on his cock, eyes not wavering as he dared Derek to object.

Derek's eyes looked down to where Stiles still had his hand on his chest, back up to Stiles' eyes, jaw clenched as he took the few steps back to sit on the edge of the tub. He reached over to turn the bathtub faucet off lest they have a flood and ruin the mood. Besides, it looked like Stiles was in a playful mood.

“So maybe I lied a little about the patience thing. You after all, taught me the fun in what a little patience can do” Stiles said once he saw Derek was seated right where he wanted him. “We have nothing else to do tonight do we Derek?”

“Nothing but time” Derek whispered as he watched Stiles apply some lube to his own cock.

“Right” Stiles whispered right back as his hand started to move stopping just below the head of his cock and moving back down his shaft.

“You know what I love about your cock?” Stiles asked looking up from under his lashes.

“What?” Derek croaked out as he fisted his hands on his thighs, his cock jerking at Stiles' voice and the mention of his own cock.

“I love the veins” Stiles answered as he ran a finger up a vein on his own cock. “I love running my finger up it, then following that finger with my tongue.”

A moan escaped from the back of Derek's throat taking his cock in his hand to get the pressure he was craving - he wanted that pressure to come from Stiles. Whether it came from Stiles' hands, his tongue or the tight heat of his hole. He knew Stiles wasn't going to make it that easy, not tonight.

Stiles finally started to stroke himself harder, bringing his hand up over the head of his cock before stroking back down all the while letting out little moans and hisses.

“Stiles” Derek murmured as he tugged on his own cock, stretching his legs out so that they almost reached where Stiles was propped up against the counter. He reached his free hand down to play with his balls - he didn't know if he just wanted to come right now or wait, prolong it.

“Oh, you're not enjoying the show?” Stiles teased fake pouting stilling the movements on his cock, stopping at the base to apply a little pressure - keep himself from coming.

“Fuck Stiles. The opposite” Derek moaned.

“Then show me” Stiles whispered.

Derek let a whine escape as he jerked himself off harder. He made a ring with his fingers pressing it over the head of his cock letting it emerge through the hole he made before bringing the ring of his fingers back up as the tip disappeared in his hands. He grunted one hand flying to the edge of the tub to steady himself as he continued the motion of fucking his cock through the ring he'd made of his fingers; eyes closed trying to

“What does it feel like Derek?” Stiles asked.

“Like I'm fucking you” Derek hissed. “But not as good. Not enough.”

“Do you want to fuck me Derek?” Stiles asked - watching as Derek's eyes flew up, glowing light blue.

“Yes” he all but pleaded.

“I didn't hear a please” Stiles smirked.

Derek was up in an instant spinning Stiles around on the spot so that Stiles now faced the mirror as Stiles braced his hands on the edge of the sink.

“Please” Derek mimicked his hands circling Stiles' tight hole only to find that Stiles had already prepped himself. Clearly Derek had taken a lot longer to get to the bathroom than he thought if Stiles already got himself hard and open. The thought of that alone
almost sent Derek over the edge without even getting his cock in Stiles yet. The fact that his boyfriend, the man he loved, the man he trusted could do this in a matter of minutes.

“Don't be a spoil sport now” Stiles said elbowing Derek lightly in the chest - his eyes focused on Derek through the mirror as he watched his older partner lube his cock up.

“Remember those exact words Stiles” Derek smiled knowingly as he lined himself up to Stiles' open hole. “You started this game” he finished pushing the head of his cock into Stiles' entrance.

“What are you - ooh” Stiles sputtered out as he felt Derek enter him - clenching around Derek almost instantaneously.

Derek slowly entered Stiles; not to allow Stiles the time to adjust, more to take his time just because he could but mainly because he wanted to tease Stiles just as much as Stiles had teased him earlier.

As he continued pushing in he ran his nose along the nape of Stiles' neck, pressing kisses anywhere, everywhere he could. He let his tongue drag along Stiles' collar, up to behind his ears where he knew Stiles was sensitive. And he was rewarded with Stiles gasps of pleasure trying to push back farther into Derek's touch, onto Derek's cock. Derek couldn’t' resist leaving a little mark on Stiles' neck.

He was past the point of letting everyone whether they be human or werewolf know that Stiles was Derek's and Derek was Stiles' - they'd gotten over that a few months after moving to Oregon and Stiles being subject to those knowing glances from Ralph's pack. Despite Stiles almost always pretending to protest when Derek left yet another mark it was just that, pretend. Stiles loved having the marks on his body, on his chest or his neck. So long as he could hide the ones on his neck at work, he needed to be a respected Professor.

“Derek” Stiles grumbled as he removed a hand from where it was placed on the counter trying to reach around to get Derek to move already.

“Yes Stiles?” Derek asked when he grabbed hold of Stiles' hand moving it back to the sink. He placed both his hands over Stiles so that he couldn't move.

“Move it” Stiles ordered.

“What about patience?” Derek laughed. “Look in the mirror; look at yourself. Look at us” Derek instructed.

Stiles raised his head the last few inches so that he could look into the mirror. He could see through the mist where his hands were trapped under Derek's. He could see the red marks already littering his collarbone and neck from where Derek had marked and nipped at him. He could see his brown eyes filled with undeniable lush, face flushed red. Derek behind him, who normally looked like a GQ model was just as flushed - much to Stiles' pleasure. It was nice to know that he at least wasn't the only one affected. Derek’s arms were bulging and straining where they held Stiles', his eyes tinged blue switching between his beta eyes and normal eyes.

Derek swivelled his hips with his cock fully seated in Stiles; his eyes trained on Stiles as the younger man shut his eyes mouth hanging open in an "O" trying not to let a groan escape his lips. Stiles lowered his head letting it hang, biting at his lip. Derek was having none of that, he liked to hear Stiles. Liked to hear Stiles' groans and moans, his desperation. He even liked to hear when Stiles got bossy with his “Move faster Derek.” “Are you getting up in age? Just fuck me already.” Anything that came out of Stiles' mouth during sex was a turn on for Derek and he wasn't ashamed to admit it.

Derek released Stiles' hands as one of his own flew to Stiles' hip the other in-between Stiles' shoulder blades pushing Stiles further down, bending him over the counter. He pulled his cock almost all the way back out before slamming back into Stiles', almost pushing Stiles even more forward if Derek didn't have such a tight hold on him.

“Fuck” Stiles hissed out on one hard thrust one hand flying to steady himself on the mirror - leaving fingerprint marks everywhere.

“Too much for you Stiles?” Derek teased as he continued to thrust into Stiles the sound of skin on skin echoing throughout the entire room. “Do I need to slow down?” Derek knew he was egging Stiles on, but he couldn't resist.

“Bitch, n-no” Stiles gasped out as his hand slipped farther down the mirror. “More” he choked out.

Derek complied, keeping up the pace pulling Stiles' hips back to meet his every thrust in aiming for Stiles' prostate. His hand snaked around to Stiles' hard cock, almost forgotten yet still sinfully hard. He grabbed hold of it and started to stroke him at the brutal pace he was fucking into Stiles. Derek knew they were both close, too close.

“Gonna come Stiles? Show me who you belong too?”

“No. Show me who you b-belong fuck, too” he gritted out through his teeth, pushing back onto Derek.

“Don't be a spoil sport now” Derek huffed out applying more pressure to each stroke of Stiles' cock.

“Shit” Stiles dragged out as his release painted the counter spilling over onto Derek’s hand. Derek’s hand that kept pumping him through it; after Stiles had finished coming.

“That’s what I thought” Derek chuckled, keeping up with his thrusts.

“That’s what I thought” Stiles mimicked only to feel Derek’s thrusts start to stutter; feeling the press of teeth sink into the base of neck as Derek started to come.

Some days Derek would moan out Stiles name and others his teeth would sink into Stiles’ skin or face buried into the crook of Stiles’ neck when he came. Stiles apparently did enough talking for the both of them as Derek only released little noises from the back of his throat that reverberated straight through Stiles, long after his release.


“Pretty sure the bath is cold now” Stiles slurred as he felt Derek slip his softening cock out of Stiles. He made his way to the double shower, turning it on forgetting about the bath with the overflowing bubbles; that really Stiles would have been in heaven any other night. Because who didn’t like bubbles and making bubble beards?

“Told you it wouldn’t get used” Derek quipped when he crowded Stiles in the shower, despite it being a large shower, large enough for two grown men.

“We have time” Stiles shrugged letting out a yawn.

“We do” Derek agreed.

To Happy Ever Afters|

stiles stilinski, sterek, teen wolf, derek hale

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