New stuff!!!

Sep 17, 2009 10:55

There's a lot of new stuff coming out this week! First of all, that new Mario and Luigi game for DS is now out. It looks amazing. I wanna play as Bowser! It has been getting great reviews, and people say it's the best one yet! I never finished the first cause I'm too lazy and I don't care about the second cause I can't stand the "baby" Mario characters.

But the bigger news, and the game that I'm most interested Halo: ODST! It comes out next Tuesday. I can't decide if I want to buy it online or not. Might be too late to preorder. Bleh. I just want to get it on/near release date. I don't even care about the Sgt. Johnson pre-order thing anymore. I JUST WANT THE GAME. Uggggh it looks amazing from what I've seen. It's gonna play more like Halo 1, which is cool. I miss that play style...and I really like the direction Bungie is taking on this one. It's a more serious, character-driven story with lots of atmosphere. And Firefight looks ridiculous. (and ridiculously fun!) Argh, can't wait till the 22nd. MAKE SURE YOU GET YOURS TOO!

Also I must personal favorite part of the Halo games is the music. Marty O'Donnell does AMAZING stuff. Bungie has some samples from the soundtrack (which I am TOTALLY buying) on their site now: Link But this one is my favorite, it's called "Rain". *sigh* it's beautiful.

And now...some inevitable HG/SS stuff. So, the games are out in Japan now, and new information is coming out. Seems like there is going to be a lot of new stuff in this game. I also noticed mostly all the "new" features that were in Platinum will be in the new games...When I played Platinum I discovered all the new stuff wasn't that great, and now that those features are gonna be in HG/SS, if feel pretty ripped off. :/ Well, I guess the poke-nerd in me tells me to buy EVERY SINGLE VERISION. Arrrrrrgh...

One of my favorite improvements they've made is the sprites...OMG they are absolutely beautiful! All of the characters look so...full of life! They actually put them in action poses and made them interesting...and then, you get to 3rd gen, and they use the same sprites from R/S/E?! (some Plat ones too) Come on, can't some of them be updated by now? Ah well. I just wanted to see a new Sableye sprite. :( Well, here are some of my fav new sprites:

<-----YES! Gamefreak finally made a good Dragonite sprite. All the others have been so ugly. He looks great!

(Lookin good, Scizor!) 

(Lugia, of course!)

Annnnd a lot more that I'm not gonna post. Anyways, the new games look great. It will be a looooong time till we play them though...sigh.

OHHH and one more thing I must add...there are new swarm Pokemon...and Sableye is one of them! YESSSSSSS! Now I can get a shiny and make up for that time when I killed a wild one so long ago. And it's Heart Gold exclusive....guess I know which version I will be getting! (at first, anyway)  YOU SHALL ME MINE!!!!

In other news, I am working on a team. It's probably my most favorite team I've ever made, and I've been developing the characters in it for quite some time. I use this team for stories, so some of the movesets might not be very....competitive, but are there cause they make sense for that character. It's pretty much just for fun anyway. I've already started breeding Pokemon and getting egg moves. It took forever to get a Quirky Pikachu.

halo, mario, pokemon

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