Robots and other things...

Jul 10, 2009 21:30

Well I haven't updated this in a while so I suppose I will now. Many things are going on in my family that are stressful. I'd rather not talk about it here but is has been affecting me lately....other than that, I have a some Transformers stuff and some (gasp!) Pokemon stuff. More after the break. MAN I love LJ cuts.

First off, me and my dad went to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen today. (yes...a bit late to the party) I was very hesitant to see it cause everyone, critics included, pretty much said it was it was awful. Of course, a lot of people said they hated the first one and I loved it...still I was pretty worried. I don't feel like writing a lot but here's what I thought: Just like the previous movie, it was really entertaining and a lot of fun, but still so stupid! Really, there were so many things that were SO not necessary and ruined things. Like, the one huge robot that had "balls" I mean, why? So many stupid, immature jokes...ruined it. And yes, the twins, Mudflap and especially Skids were extremely annoying as well.

I don't think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be. It was still fun and all, but things moved around to fast and sometimes ya couldn't even see what was going on! Overall I still prefer the first one much more...I was disappointed to  see that my faves from the previous movie (Ratchet and Ironhide) didn't really have a role except shooting all the Decepticons....lame. (and there were a LOT of them...that's another thing. Too many robots in this one!)

Best new characters: Wheelie (He was adorable!) And Jetfire (the old guy) he was just awesome...
Most annoying character: Sam's mom. She was just awful. Even more cringe-inducing than the twins.
Best line: "What you are about to see is top secret. Don't tell my mother." -That agent guy (he rocks)
Worst line: Too many, really.

I am not really a Transformers fan, but I wonder what the long-time fans think of Michael Bay's movies...I enjoy them though I don't think they should make another. (it would be too much) Also I must add that I was pleasantly surprised to see that Kevin Michael Richardson voiced one of the characters in the movie (he was one of the "Primes"). I was like "OMG! IT'S HIM!!" He's one of my favorite voice actors. It was awesome to see him there! :D Overall it was an ok movie. I have no desire to see it again or own it on DVD...unlike the first one, sadly. I saw a reviewer online post this about the movie. I agree with it 100%: (paraphrasing) "It takes everything that was good and bad about the first movie and multiplies it by 10." Yup.
Moving on, I am making a new team...I have some ones picked out/trained:
Trained: Feraligatr (Crunchbite), Grumpig (Beru), and Zangoose (Sera)
Untrained: Registeel, Nidoking and Ninetales (possibly) So, still working on that.

No drawings to show now, but here's a few icons, made by me: 

Rotoms, Lumineon, Banette, Duskull, Lockstep guy. Feel free to use, don't alter.

That's about al-OH ONE MORE THING. A few days ago it was "Bungie Day" 7/7. This year, some of the Bungie guys went on Halo 3 matchmaking and if you found them and beat them, you got the elusive and (apparently) awesome "Recon" armor. However, not many people got matched up with them. Some dedicated fans played for a full 24 hours to find Bungie...but never did. Wow. I only played for about 4 hours. It was ok, but kinda boring. SOOOO much Capture The Flag on that one Foundry map! WAAAARGH!!!!!1 I also downloaded the extra Halo 3 maps...they're pretty good. Assembly=COOLEST LOOKING HALO MAP EVER OMGGGGG! I play randoms a lot lately though, which isn't that great...I wish more of my friends were online more/still play Halo. Ah well.

movies, halo, pokemon, icons

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