This year's
amplificathon competition (hereafter referred to as "Amp2012") will be running from March 15 until April 30.
On the one hand, booooo: Amp2012 and PBB 2012 will not be intersecting this year (which totally blows, because I could have racked up SO MANY POINTS with the billionty-seven pairing and hours of it all). On the other hand, wheeeeeeeee: Amp2012 overlaps with the last few days of
au_bingo (so, I'll be posting all my podfic fills on those overlapping days, for MAXIMUM POINTAGE).
What does that mean for you, gentle listener?
Well for one thing, I won't be posting any more podfics for the next week or so, just to make sure I can get all the points possible. What can I say? Having won once, I seem to have developed a taste for competitive podficcing...
I don't think I'll rack up as many points this year (not enough podfics hoarded away, and not enough time during the length of Amp2012 to really go all out on recording super-long podfics), but I do want to make the top 10. I am going to attempt, once again, to post at least one podfic per day, for the entire time Amp2012 is running. We'll see how that turns out (seriously, though - there are likely to be very few looooong podfics by me this year, but any length of podficular funtimes are worth a listen, right?).
How 'bout you guys? Everybody pumped and excited?