“You love me and you know it. You need me. Can’t live without me. Well known facts.”

Jun 20, 2011 20:47

So, this is the appropriate entry for yesterday...

AMP 2011: Day 77

In an attempt to points-whore myself out, I scrambled to shove together the last few remaining short fics I had sitting around on my hard-drive, podfics that don't have any reason to go together save the fact that it's the end of the 'fest and I may as well gets points for 'em instead of saving them to be posted over the summer. I then posted these podfics....only to find that diane_mckay had put up nearly three hundred points' worth of podfic last night alone. I was reaching for my metaphorical hoop earrings before I even finished reading the various fandoms she'd made podfics for. We're counting down to Hour Zero right now, and I kinda feel like, if no-one does something really surprising (like unload their entire two-month supply of podfics all in one night), first place is going to come down to either diane_mckay or myself. And part of me's like, "Remember to show good sportsmanship!" and the rest of me's channeling Lava from Bring It On (the girl who the other Clovers cheerleaders have to hold back, so she doesn't start hair-pulling and other non-ladylike fighting things), and thinking about clawing her eyes out. (In a very friendly way, of course.) I'm contemplating kicking Littlest Sister out to the backyard for an hour, and just recording a ridiculous number of drabbles to boost my scores tonight...but that seems a little bit, well, not in the spirit of things. I pinky-swear, I'm not usually this insane about stuff.
  Anyway, you're here for the podficular downloads, not to hear me bitch and moan about not being the podficciest princess at the ball. So, here's what I posted last night (take it as read that these are all really awesomely wonderfull stories by authors with brillinatly creative brains, ok? I'm feeling lazy....and also need to do some laundry....and don't really wanna type out all the nice things I would otherwise have to say right now. I'm sorry, various authors and readers - you're definietly worth reading/listening to! I just don't want type out why you are so eminently awesome, okay?)

Title: Cave-In
Author: rivkat 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Warnings: cliche!fic, first times, voyeurism, sex pollen/Beasties Made Them Do It, 
Format/Length: mp3, 00:10:02

Author's Summary: "Cliche prompt: first times, with bonus sex pollen and voyeurism, because when you're trapped in a cave, you should have several other cliches with you."

Download link: click me!

Title: Outside The Temple
Author: gillianinoz 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: PG
Fandom: Supernatural 
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Spoilers: takes place during season one
Warnings: implied voyeurism
Format/Length: mp3, 00:15:44

Author's Summary: "John finds out."

Download link: click me!

Title: all your heart-melodies
Author: thingswithwings 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: G
Fandom: Lilo & Stitch
Pairing: Gen
Spoilers: takes place after the movie (ignores the cartoon show)
Format/Length: mp3, 00:06:53

Author's Summary: "At seven, Lilo wants to grow up to be an intergalactic space hero."

Download link: click me!

Title: Room 609
Author: rageprufrock 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gen
Spoilers:  post-"SWAK" (missing scene from when Tony gets the Plague)
Format/Length: mp3, 00:07:18

Author's Summary: "Room 609 was dozing, still too skinny and sallow, when an entirely new man in a (much more expensive) suit wandered up to the nurses station."

Download link: click me!

Title: The Virtues of Caffeine
Author: caitri 
Reader: reena_jenkins
Rating: PG
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Pairing: James 'Jim' Kirk/Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Spoilers: Academy!fic (takes place during the movie) 
Format/Length: mp3, 00:13:52

Reader's Summary: "Leonard McCoy is less grumpy when he has coffee. Jim Kirk makes sure he has some."

Download link: click me!

Actually, yesterday wascaitr's birthday, so I did think it appropriate to post one of her podfics....only I didn't remember to actually notify her that it went up. So, um, happy belated birthday, okay? And everyone who has enjoyed my podfics of her works in the past whould drop by and wish her a day-old Happy Birthday as well....and then maybe she'll be so overcome by goodwill that she'll write even more fics for me to record....

And, later on tonight - after the laundry is done and I have clean clothes! - I'll be posting my final entry to amplificathon. Hot damn! I can't believe it's over tonight......

fandom: ncis, amp 2011, other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, fandom: st-xi, podfic, fandom: disney

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