“We were sisters long before Thanos found us. Back when we were…”

Apr 10, 2015 23:54

Title: Sister Self
Author: pprfaith
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Guardians of the Galaxy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairings: gen
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Fusion, Crossover, Post Movie, Tumblr ficlet, Because I have apparently fallen down the rabbit hole after all, Oh god, REENA MADE ME DO IT, I will make a tag of this, just wait, Spoilers, Violence, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Past Torture

Length: 00:30:41

Author's Summary: Reena_Jenkins said: Buffy and Faith as daughters of Thanos.

I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).

Why I Love It: Do you like be stabbed in the heart, while also smiling at inter-team banter? Do you like amazing crossover-fusion canon-merging world-building? Do you like Buffy and Faith, circling around each other and tied together with mercy hatred and jealousy and rage and the remnants of love? Do you like Big Brother Adam? (I do - Big Brother Adam makes so much sense for this universe, and he fits canon so well, and it's all deliciously dark and perfect.) There's just enough BtVS canon elements to establish how these two would be very different Daughters of Thanos than Gamora and Nebula, but so many little thing just line up in exactly the right (wrong) way to make Buffy and Faith shatter into deadly new shapes.

...there's also a sequel, and some art, and a fanmix. Those will go up tomorrow.

This story was written as a prequel to remake, but takes place as more of a sequel, timeline-wise. There's also some art, and a fanmix! Check those out, too - this 'verse is awesome, and deserves all the love.

pprfaith gets her own tag, fandom: gotg, other people's fanfic, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, podfic, fanmix, there's a girl in my bunk!, amp 2015, i made coverart!

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