"I don't know. Nobody is texting me. This obviously isn't a mission for me."

Sep 14, 2014 20:43

~ ~ ~ PODFIC TIME ~ ~ ~
It feels so weird, going a whole week between podfic posts. Even weirder still, going a whole week without really recording anything. This whole "productive young professional" thing is taking a while to get used to....

Anyway: Steve/Natasha and Clint/Bucky. Text messages from the Avengers. Movies with mindless punching and explosions. Lasagna. Grocery shopping. Hershey's kisses. And a little bit of pegging.

There's all that AND MORE in
zarabithia's ever-so-wonderful story, think well, love well, sleep well - a post-CA:TWS fic, which will have you laughing, panting, and punching the air like the end of The Breakfast Club. I just really loved all the interactions between everyone in this story - Clint and Bucky being friends will ALWAYS make me smile, especially when they're bonding via explosions. And Clint being a good friend like that to Natasha makes my heart happy! Tony should always have to suffer the indignity of Cap gettin' some when he isn't, because a little suffering is good for Tony's soul. Just... everyone is up in everyone else's business, and it makes me so happy - BEST Avengers interactions, like whoa.

Hmm, what else... Clint's ringtone and Clint typing were both snagged via FreeSound, because I just cannot resist the draw of sound effects. I used Mat Kearney's song, Young Dumb And In Love, for the Intro/Outro music - because "found myself on my knees a little more each night / is this what i've waited for for all of my life" is exactly what's running through Steve's head by the end of the evening (and also because the chorus is catchy as hell, and I just couldn't help myself). This podfic has a runtime of 00:39:08, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka for hosting me). Happy listening!

fandom: avengers, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: captain america, there's a girl in my bunk!

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