AMP13: Seriously, So Glad There Are No Points For Punctuality

Apr 03, 2013 23:55

I'm really glad that AMP13 points don't get calculated based on punctuality.....because I've got another ten days worth of podfics to post, all at once. And I still haven't crossposted ANY of these to the amplificathon comm over on dreamwidth. I should probably apologize in advance to the archivists, when I finally get them all over there....

Anyway, podfic for your ears! Here you go! Have some things!

i have seen nearly every city, written by pprfaith, is a lovely Buffy'verse-meets-Avengers'verse crossover that passes the Bechdel Test! Buffy Summers and Natasha Romanov, two strong female characters of equal badassery, strike up a friendship around similar interests in violence and ice cream. It is a match made in Awesome Ladies heaven. The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is "Spit The Dark", as performed by Empires - there's a recurring theme of hope running through this story, and I thought the lyrics of this song went well with that theme.

This podfic can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:30:49).

Squid Finds A New Love, written by helens78, is the cractastic crossover I never knew my life was missing. Also, if my art skills were more advanced (ie, if I could draw more than stick figures), this podfic would have had a cover depicting Hogwarts' Giant Squid HUGGING Middle Earth's Tower of Orthanc, in the strongest, most well-loved, embrace in either series. You know you want this.

This podfic can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:06:44).

And in non-crossover news, I've got O Water Hot, written by rubynye. A Hobbit fanfic set mid-Quest for Thorin's company, I lay all blame for this podfic at analise010's feet: she's the only reason I'm even reading Bilbo/Thorin at all. (If anything, I thought Bilbo had more chemistry with Bofur than anyone else...but give me some Dwalin/Nori (The guardsman and the thief! Think of all the angry sex! The potential for miscommunications and hijinks! The high-speed chases!) or some Fili/Kili, and my day's made.) Annnyway, my primary pairings aside, this story is quite lovely. rubynye has Blanket Permission to Podfic, and ALSO writes some excellently steamy (heh heh) hot spring sex. Thorin and Bilbo are both in-character - Bilbo is snippy, Thorin is reserved - and I had an excellent time reading Thorin's Sexy Voice.

You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:23:09).

as the gods sleep who have no need to dream, written by tigriswolf, is another one of those stories that make you go, "Ohhhhhhhhh. That makes SENSE." It's an X-Men movie'verse-Avengers movie'verse-Norse Mythology crossover, recasting several well-loved characters into the mold of Loki's Brood. My favorites were Logan and Victor as Nari and Vali - I could read a hundred different stories about those two fighting their way across the centuries - but the rest of the gang is gorgeously crafted as well. Interesting tidbit: I recorded this podfic on my phone, but for the parts where Loki's Brood are talking outside the norm, I used a vocal filter called "telepathic unicorns". Make of that what you will. The Intro/Outro music is "Macedonian Morning", composed by Bill Whelan, off the album 'Riverdance On Broadway' (it's a very lonely sounding song, and these are such very lonely characters).

This podfic can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:20:26).

Handler, written by copperbadge, is an Avengers movie'verse-Torchwood crossover of beauty and justice. Ianto's alive, Coulson's recuperating, and even Nick Fury must bow to the powers of a superior archivist. I get shivers of glee just imagining the glares Ianto will level in Tony's direction.

This podfic is available for download as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:04:52).

And for something a little bit longer to listen to, we've got Providence, a Teen Wolf AU written by saucery. I recorded this podfic as a pick-me-up for fire_juggler AGES ago, but only got around to making a cover for it (wee!bb Scott! awwwwwwwww!) a few days ago. Picture this: Derek Hale, PreK Teacher. Now, take the grin that's spreading across your face, and keep it there for another ten minutes or so. THAT is how glorious this story is.

You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:11:25).

Now, I don't actually consider Bandom stories in and of themselves crossover fics, but in the eyes of the points system for this round of Amplificathon, any podfic with more than one band gets multiple-fandom points. So.....I guess this one's a crossover!

Gotta Be What Tomorrow Needs, written by gala_apples, features Panic! at the Disco and My Chemical Romance in a semi-apocalyptic universe based around My Chem's video for "Desolation Row" (incidentally, that song is also used for the Intro/Outro music in this podfic). In a world where music has been outlawed, only outlaws listen to music.....and what better way to be an outlaw than to have sex in public, in the middle of an outlawed concert? Blowjobs aside, the world building for this story is fascinating and disturbing all at once. And, for all you old skool bandomers out there, it's Ryan/Brendon!

You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:25:08).

And there's a sequel! Bars and Chains, again by gala_apples, features only the guys of My Chemical Romance this time. Post-concert and on the road, Mikeyway has some thoughts to think and some rules to break. For people who are sensitive to incest, this is probably a podfic to avoid: though the premise is fascinating, this one's got some graphic Waycest that might bother you. The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is, again, "Desolation Row" as performed by My Chemical Romance.

This podfic is available as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:11:33).

Nevermind Me, written by pprfaith, is a Southern Vampire Mysteries/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover, set in the same universe as Run. I highly suggest you listen to those podfics as well - not only are they awesome, but there are a few things in this story that make better sense if you've got all the information from the rest of the series. Taking the BtVS episode "Earshot" and spinning into AU territory, the 'verse this story belongs to features Buffy as a more cynical telepath, and Eric the Northman as her best friend and partner in violence. It's quite awesome. Check it out!

This podfic is available as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:11:09).

just stay a little longer, written by sospes, is a canon-compliant post-Battle of Five Armies Hobbit fic about Fili and Kili WITH A HAPPY ENDING. There are HAPPY ENDINGS FOR EVERYONE. Don't worry! In fact, I thought that this story was remarkably heartlifting and peaceful, for something that starts off with the premise of a rather violent death for it's protagonists. But there's HUGGING! And RELIEVED SIGHS! And MORE HUGGING! And THORIN HUGGING PEOPLE! I'm keeping this podfic on my phone til 2015, as a security blanket for the Feels I know are coming.

You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you for hosting, paraka!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:07:53).

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies, or, A Humourous Interlude Between Epics, written by copperbadge, is a Stargate: Atlantis/Torchwood crossover, wherein Ianto is a (coffee-bearing) sadist, Jack is fond of (metaphorical) spankings, and the senior staff of Atlantis are handcuffed to chairs (except for Rodney). AND the title is in LATIN, so you know this story's going to be full of witty banter and clever inuendo.

You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thanks again, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:17:23).

For a non-crossover, we've got crying wolf, a Teen Wolf fic written by tigriswolf that examines one possible way Stiles' character might develop in the future. Everyone knows how fond I am of dark AUs, right? Where the characters with consciences abandon all the trappings of morality and embrace pragmatism, even violence? Yep. Stiles in this story is well on his way into that kind of territory. It's lovely.

This podfic is available as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:07:55).

If the Shoe Fits, written by Tassos (who has Blanket Permission to Podfic!), is a wee bitty crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Stargate: SG-1. The setting: a shoe sale. The characters: Buffy Summers and Vala Mal Doran. The conflict: I had it first! Annnnnnd, go!

You can download this podficlet as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:03:23).

hitched my apple wagon to your star, written by meretricula, is a somewhat longer story: set pre-canon for the Hobbit, this fic answered a prompt on the hobbit_kink meme that asked for genderswapped dwarves that look exactly the same. I love the thought that went into this universe - how dwarven secondary sex traits would work, in particular, had me nodding in agreement; the glimpse into The Exile Of Durin's Folk was heartbreaking; the differing perspectives on women between Kili and Ori, Kili and that human woman, even Kili and Dis, had me falling in love with entire fic - and I loved how Fili is still FILI, even as a woman. Kili is precious, and the whole story is just....something everyone needs to experience. Right now. For the Intro/Outro music, I chose to use "You Will Ride With Me", off Dar Williams' latest album - it's a female vocalist, singing about her sister and her journey, with a steady, driving beat that echoes in your head and makes you love it all.

This podfic is available for download as an mp3 right over here (thanks again, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:21:36).

Eight Crazy Pilots Serenity Didn't Keep, written by Tassos, is a MASSIVE crossover: Firefly meets Farscape meets Stargate: Atlantis meets Stargate: SG-1 meets Star Wars meets Battlestar Galactica, all in Serenity's cockpit. The title's pretty self-explanitory, but be prepared with your tissues handy - there's some canon-compliant character death in here, along with seven other goodbyes of varying sadness.

You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:17:34).

Sufficient to have stood, though free to fall, written by tigriswolf, is just.... best. Just, best. Tony and Loki, all entwined and tangled up together, Loki as Tony's perfect god and Tony slowly falling under his sway. Just.... BEST.

This podfic's available as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:09:16).

And finally, today's podfic! Only ten days overdue, right? I hope the wait's been worth it......

Loki Runway, written by xparrot, is a Project Runway/Avengers movie'verse crossover of joy and glee and hand-clappy goodness. No, really - there were at least three separate occasions that I had to stop recording just to clap my hands and flap my arms around in laughter at this fic. This story takes place post-Avengers movie, and....well, I don't want to say too much and spoil the surprise, but Loki and Lifetime Network are a match made in heaven. This is the kind of crack I wish I had a dealer for - it's clever, and silly, and so full of excellent one-liners that you might not want to listen to this one in public. Or, you might! It depends how alright you are with spontaneous bursts of giggles, really. The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is "Bad Romance", as performed by Lady Gaga - I'm pretty sure that she'd wear just about anything from Loki's House of Couture. The censor sound in this podfic was snagged via

This podfic can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thanks again, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above (00:48:00)

So, somewhere in here might be my 500th podfic? I need to count.

fandom: avengers, fandom: sg-1, other people's fanfic, fandom: sga, fandom: farscape, amp 2013, fandom: teen wolf, fandom: lotr, i made coverart!, fandom: the hobbit (movies), fandom: scruffy bandboys love each other, pprfaith gets her own tag, podfic, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: harry potter, fandom: torchwood, fandom: firefly, fandom: star wars, there's a girl in my bunk!, fandom: bsg, fandom: norse mythology, fandom: project runway, fandom: southern vampire mysteries

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