(Belated) Pod Aware Posts: (Day Six - Collaboration) and (Day Seven - Feedback)

Nov 19, 2012 19:36

This past weekend was the busiest thing - I spent 21 hours out of 72 with a handful of kids in the under-three age group; I helped Dad rearrange his basement in a mad search for a turkey tray (turns out he doesn't, in fact, own one; he was thinking of the one at Mom's house, and after all that went out and bought a new one); I had what was essentially a Supervisory Review of how I conduct nursery classes, complete with four brand-new kids this week, and two crying babies on top of that.

So I wasn't exactly in the mood for posting about podfic, on Saturday or Sunday....which is why you're getting two days' worth of posts right now!


Podfic doesn't have to be a solitary fanwork. It can be fun to collaborate with others create multi-voiced project, to work with an author on the story, to add visual or extra audio to a podfic. o find out more information on podfic and podfic collaborations, check out Pod Aware on DW, LJ or Tumblr.

So Day Six (Saturday) was all about Collaboration In Podfic, a topic about which I have many opinions. Want to know how many opinions I have? Check out this podcast I participated in on the topic of Collaboration - there are a lot of really excellent points raised by a whole host of fantastic people, and bessyboo and helens78 have a lovely witty banter thing going on, and I got to go first! No, seriously. Go listen and download this podcast right now.


Fan artists love feedback and podfic creators are no different. Feedback can motivate us, inspire our muse and help us create more of our art. Feedback on podfic is often rather light so more is always welcomed. To find out how you can help increase feedback for podfic check out pod_aware on DW, LJ or Tumblr.

Day Seven of Podfic Awareness Week was all about Feedback, which is something I struggle with. Not the knowing-what-to-say part of leaving feedback for my fellow podfic people, but the actually-remembering-to-leave-feedback-in-the-first-place part. So I did something a little different for my Day Seven contribution.

See, I was babysitting - ages four and two, six hours of sitting including wrestling, dinner, baths, and bedtime - and I'd forgotten to bring my laptop with me for after the bbs were in bed. But...then I did something a little wonky to the television, and... I may have broken the cable? There were three different remotes! It was complicated! Instead, I turned my brain toward more creative pursuits: podfic!

Previously, I might have mentioned that my new, adorable, red Clip Zip has a built-in microphone? And I did have my Kindle with me... so, obviously, podfic! I recorded pprfaith's Fast and the Furious 'verse post-Fast Five fic, Sandcastles. It's a story full of sunlight and beaches and sand and romance and babies, of which four out of five were missing from my Saturday evening. It's so sweet, and just fills you up with this warm, mellow glow, from the happy ending pprfaith wrote for everyone's favorite racers and thieves.

And here's the part where we get back around to feedback: you take a listen to this podfic that was recorded on my mp3 player and only edited for verbal flubs in GarageBand (no funky filters), and then you tell me how it sounds! Simple, really.

Ready? You can download the 12-minute-long podfic right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking below. And... go!

pprfaith gets her own tag, podfic awareness week, fandom: fatf, other people's fanfic, outside source of awesome, podfic, collaborative projects, there's a girl in my bunk!, not a podfic but worth a listen anyway, i made coverart!

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