Sep 06, 2008 08:29

Why does this stuff always show up on the weekend just when I'm going out the door, WHY WHY WHY ALDKJA. Also, am woefully behind on comments and such. I swear I will get to them asap. PLZ FORGIVE.

DL the promo ---> sendspace | megaupload (avi | 5MB)
Or watch on --->YouTube

Assume there's spoilers under the cut!

THOSE ARMS AND THAT LONG TORSO OF HIS IS KILLING ME GUUUUUH. *whimper* He's all painty and gorgeous, omg. And Susan looks asleep when he kisses her in the bed, like he's about to leave before anyone catches him there in the morning. Reminds me of all the times I imagine Brian watched Justin sleep, aww. That last scene is so just right before he jumps out the window. I done recognize those boxers o' gloriousness. And look! The overalls are right behind him. Mmm, behind him... mmm, Gale!butt. That bit o' skin just above the elastic band on his boxers? KILLING ME. They both look over at a door sound. I wonder who just got home. Mike's not there anymore, soooo, son? Babysitter? Maybe one of the Girls. Hmmm. HEE. Oh, how I've missed babbling about Gale ep speculation! :D

And a

Hello, finger pr0n, I have missed you! Guh. They're so loooong, just waving hello to meee. Y'know, am always pro-tux, but gotta say, I'm loving the painty look in the promo more. I really hope we get to see him paintin' something and then he has to shower, cos, y'know, paint everywhere, and ohmyhisclothesdropoffalkdjalk! Susan's expression is cracking me up cos it looks like she's trying to hide something and I love when she's goofy, BUT OMG HER DRESS IS HURTING MY EYES. :(((

I hope ya'll are proud of me. I didn't mention how the hair is killing my soul once.

picspam: desperate housewives, gale howard, tv: desperate housewives, picspam: gale

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