long live the unibrow!

Sep 12, 2008 12:15

Bah. Week from hell. But then I saw there was new Galeface and, I swear, leave it to him to help cut down on my therapy bill this week. There is so much to squee about! And not just with Gale, but Randy and tennis and Phelps and Van and music and mooooore. Later though, cos today is about Teh Gale. Oh, fandom. You keep me relatively sane. ♥

Yup. Just got pregnant looking at this.
Oh, Gale, how you so pretty? ALSO HAI RESIST TAT I SEEEEE YOUUUUU. Well, it's kinda just more like a dark smudge on his finger in my smaller version here, but check out the hi-res version

HI-RES(IST) TAT OMG. *licks* Thank god I already know what that tat says. Otherwise, you KNOW I'd be obsessing over it right now. Well, more than I already do, I mean aldfaj. Also, I so don't even mind the hair in this shot. I KNOW RIGHT. WTF, Ree.

(thanks to andreas-ri for the hi-res)

His eyes look so green when magnified three billion times. GUH. And I spent a considerable amount of time connecting the dots of pores where his beard isn't coming in. Oh, Galeface. Your beard just isn't cooperating, is it? S'okay. Scruffy you is still my most favoritest Gale evah. ♥

THREE TIMES THE HITS Y'ALL. You'd think Gale had a few fans or something. ;) (I capped this the other day, so no doubt it's even higher now!)

It's like a tiny Justin running around. :X I'm assuming this is Susan's son, though I'm not sure where he got the blond hair, heh. Then again, her daughter had dirty blond hair, didn't she? I so have my fingers crossed wee!Justin and Gale get some scenes. I have v. good memories of Gale and his speshul does-not-know-what-gloves-are Vanished daughter, Inez. ♥

I mean, really. Lookit the cuteness!

Oh, hey, I finally started watching DH! Caught a few eps from this past season. AND have been simultaneously watching S1 as it airs on Lifetime and that's getting interesting (THE DANA BLANKET WTF). Susan and Bree are made of win, yo. Between Bree taking a BBQ fork to her fake baby belly adlfkaj, and S1!Susan attempting to ride a mechanical bull (*smack!*) and falling through Mike's floor and berating not!Lassie for not saving her--to which he brings her a dead bird aldfkj--oh, god, I really do think she was the best to have Gale paired up with. The hijinks he'll get into while being sexy AND funny are gonna be priceless, you just watch. Hee!

And let's not forget the new DH promo! But only .001% new Gale. Thankfully, it's in the first 2 seconds of the promo and involves a bed. Hottie product placement, wooot!

DL the promo ---> sendspace | megaupload (avi, 4MB)
Or watch on ---> YouTube

picspam: desperate housewives, gale howard, tv: desperate housewives, picspam: gale

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