"Damn that motherchucker!"

Sep 04, 2008 11:00

• Okay, see, amelialourdes warned me Luke was having a v. good hair day in the last ep, but I just watched and not even I could properly prepare myself for this deliciousness. It's only the best bed hair evah since Brian woke up in his blue silk robe and went to pour coffee. I like, want to organize a fan response to the hair person who did this glorious thing with everyone sending in tiny little sample bottles of gel and hairspray or something. IT IS THAT GOOD PPL. And then things just get better cos: New Luke/Noah today in two hours!!! I KNOW ALDKJA I WAS SHOCKED TOO. September was looking bleak before this turn o' events.

• I'm fully prepared for it to be an inane hour of Oprah asking the same tired-ass questions and generally being obnoxious, but I'm still ridiculously excited about Phelps (and his BFF/boyfriend Ryan and the rest of the swim team and my girlfriend Kerri and Misty and sexy beast Dalhausser and Roger and Nastia and Shawn andandand...) having taped an episode yesterday. IT'S LIKE THE OLYMPICS HAVE RETURNED TO MEEEEE. \:D/ Plus, y'know, just so many chances for Phelps!adorkableness, amen. The ep airs Monday, but

Arriving for the taping with Mama Phelps, who, I admit, intimidates the hell outta me. Also, that shirt of his would come down to my ankles aldfja.

Time to play "Where's Your Favorite Athlete?" ;)

Gossip Girl

• Whoa. I can't believe they got S/D back together in the first ep. Not that I'm not happy 'bout it, cos, hi, I'm a huge S/D shipper. I just feel like I'm being set up for a punkin' or something. Was way too easy.

• Is it just me or does the idea of Dan as a playboy strike anyone else as hilarious? I supposed his history with Serena could've given him some kind of post-break-up status, but still.

• Chuck shocked me with his near admission o' luv. That seemed more like a S2 finale moment. Also, ow. You break my heart Brian Chuckster. Don't worry, I firmly believe that you and Blair will end up having devious little babies together one day. ♥

• Yeah, I still do not like Jenny. Run, Eric, ruuuuuun. Speaking of Eric... That scene on the beach when he takes her call? Was that a guy he'd hooked up with walking behind him? Cos I so want him to have had a boyfriend this summer. He looks behind him as he's talking and I kept waiting for the guy to come up and hook his chin over his shoulder and be all, "Who was that, babe?" :X

• I'm just going to ignore the whole Nate/older woman storyline. Pacey so did that years ago and did it better. Whatev. Atleast he and Serena had some nice BFF moments.

• "Damn that motherchucker!" Best line evah.

• Serena and Blair will just never not be beautiful. Dayum, girls, way to work the genes. ♥

• Okay, wait. So, the new guy's REALLY royalty? It's just like that Julia Stiles movie. :| I kept waiting for Chuck to reveal that was a lie too. But he just looked sad, so I guess not. *eye roll* Though it is worth mentioning that Chuck's first call about it was to Eric. Small detail and, yeah, was just fact-checking, but it made my C/E self happy. ;)

• I just couldn't muster up enough interest to watch the new 90210. I tried. I did. But then the time came and turning the channel to it just seemed like a waste of time, y'know?

luke/noah, tv: gossip girl, tv: 90210, tv: atwt, phelps, picspam: phelps, teevee

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