Course building definitely makes the time go by fast! I am so grateful to work with good people though, certainly makes the entire weekend more fun. The surface was hugely improved, and the starters ring judge did a good job adapting to some challenging mud bogs. I definitely appreciate Lori's efforts to bring agility and good surfaces here, what a challenge she is up against. I didn't enter AKC Eugene. I canceled out of Regionals due to feeling overwhelmed by Peach not being ready, and I have refused to trial at Lane County due to it's rock hard surface covered in rocks. Supposedly it's better, but I'll stick in some training time on the B match and see how it goes. It'll be good for me and the dogs.
Lots of goodness from this trial - I had energy yay! Yankee finished up her Masters Relay title thanks to Josie yay! Yankee and Beam both got a gamble Q meaning they are both 2 gamble Q's away from ADCH's. not that we're counting. And Peach had some seriously briliiant moments and some really sticky moments. Love love love the baby dogs.
Favorite runs and I'm off to bed -
Peach - Starters Jumpers - boy I can't wait til she extends out a bit, squee!
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Beam - Masters Gamblers - pretty happy this opening worked as I didn't walk it since I decided to work on our lack of tunnel send from the day before with both dogs and completely changed everything. Yankee ran it first and I got tangled up in the gamble line, so Beam's was much smoother. But I tell ya, the boy dog had mojo on - I had more fun running him this weekend than ever before <3
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Favorite run with Yankee is really hard, because I seriously just have a blast with her. But here's her Fancy Jumpers, because she just made it effortless. Except for her reading a rear cross instead of a wrap cue ;) Thankfully I can think on my feet.
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