Random crashiness

Jan 05, 2008 00:32

Started feeling a little fluish at work, so I went home and crashed for a solid two hours. Think I headed it off, but I'm still tired. EDIT: And judging by this post, apparently a little punchy.

My step-father and his mom are coming up for lunch tomorrow. I was thinking of making either pizza or that macademia encrusted perch thing. Not sure if I could feed four or five people on a pizza, though.

Huh. It just occurred to me that every dish I like to make (and therefor make well) doesn't require a recipe. Or I don't use one anyway. I guess I read one for the perch once, but really that was just for the idea. I hate struggling with cookbooks.

Does that make me a good cook, or just lazy?

Studio 60 is very well written and shot. Makes me wonder how I got sucked into a soap opera, though, no matter how hip. What's the name of that show with Alec Baldwin that's basically a clone? I saw a couple of episodes of that and it was pretty funny, too, if much much lighter. I even memorized one bit:

"Cougars are hot older women who stalk and pounce on their younger prey!"

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