A Foolish April

Apr 30, 2019 09:32

April was a singularly unproductive month. I only managed one story. One. I mean, yeah, I was busy with conferences and Passover, but I just was not feeling the creativity. Anyhow, here's wonderwall:

Peanut Butter and Marshmallows
Umbrella Academy
Stuck in the apocalypse, Five reads about Vanya leaving him sandwiches.

Way back in March, there were like four different fic exchanges due in early May I thought about signing up for. Luckily, I only signed up for one: the hurt/comfort exchange. Unluckily, I still have no freaking clue what I'm writing for it. Like, at all. And instead of re-watching the shows for it, I've gone and picked up Fortitude. Someone, please help jump start my creativity. It's due on May 10th and I don't even have a basic premise!

fangirl confessions, writing round-ups

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