Flashback Friday: Tango Verse

Apr 26, 2019 13:37

Title: Tango Verse
Fandoms: Supernatural/Dollhouse
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Ruby, Castiel, Topher Brink, Adelle DeWitt, various minor Dollhouse characters and OCs
Summary: Dean comes back from hell a changed man and Sam decides to help him forget in literally the worst way possible.

Part One: Obliviate
Summary: Sam paves a road with good intentions and some advice from Harry Potter. After all, Hermione erased her parent's memories to protect them. How is it any different if Sam does it to help Dean?

Part Two: A Tango Dance Dance Revolution
Summary: The latest Active is a tall white guy with green eyes, pouty lips and ridiculous cheekbones. Wiping him is just another day at the office.

Part Three: Two to Tango
Summary: Nothing stays buried; not memories, not guilt, not the demon apocalypse. They always claws their way back up to bite you in the ass. Dean, sorry, Tango, and the Dollhouse.

If you're following me because of my fic, there is something about me you need to know: I'm terrible at finishing WIPs. I think today's series is actually the first of my ten or so abandoned WIPs. I usually start strong and then just lose the plot or the voices or both.

This series actually started with an older, slightly crappier version of "A Tango Dance Dance Revolution" wherein I tried to sort out my feelings about the premise of Dollhouse via crossover back when the show first started airing. I later returned to the story, cleaned it up, and wrote "Obliviate" after the Supernatural season 5 finale. I think my plan for "Two to Tango" involved Sam and Bobby taking dreamroot to find Dean and Zachariah trying to get doll!Dean to say yes to Michael and a bunch of other Apocalypse-related stuff, but damned if I can remember the specifics. If someone wanted to root through my imagination and write it for me, that would be swell.

fandom: dollhouse, flashback fridays, fandom: supernatural

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