Reading Wednesday

May 01, 2019 19:27

Once again spent more time with fic than books. Curse you, tablet, although not really.

Just Finished

Smithsonian May 2019 issue. My two favorite articles were the one about Neanderthals and ancient anthropology, and a group working to construct a monastery using tech and techniques from the Middle Ages. As an undergrad,I was very interested in human evolution and took several classes in it and osteology. DNA sequencing is revolutionizing how scientists understand the relationships between human subspecies and how humans settled the planet. There have been a bunch of recent finds which indicate that Neanderthals were a lot smarter and more socially complex with like art and symbolic behavior and shit, plus, humans bred with them. Jean Auel was right!

The article about the monastery was neat too. Next week I'm giving a lecture about the modern trend towards reclaiming "lost" homesteading arts, so it really clicked. Most of the people working on the monastery project aren't professional craftspeople, but rather city office folk wanting to get their hands dirty and do something real. I suspect many hipster homesteaders feel the same. If you are one, let me know in the comments so we can talk more.

Ms. Marvel vol. 10 "Time and Again." The source of Kamala's magic mass is revealed and it's time whimley ball! This series is so effortlessly heartwarming and charming. Go read it if you like light hearted superheroics, coming of age stories, and general cuteness.

What's next?

I have a stack of Champions comics to read and pulled The House of Sand and Fog from my bookshelf to read over a month ago. Of course, this weekend is Free Comic Book Day, so I'm sure I'll pick up something there as well.

reading wednesday

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