Happy new year, everyone!

Jan 01, 2011 09:57

I'm not much a one for resolutions on this particular day, but one of the things I am going to go for this year is as follows:

I am going to do whatever I can to either get a job that provides health insurance that doesn't cost me so much, or get a job that pays me enough that it won't matter as much. This lack of salary and increased premiums and copays and coinsurance and deductibles has really hurt my family this year and it's my fault.

Anyway, we had a good evening. Decided not to go out (as usual for us these days since we don't like trying to set up babysitting for that late at night) but also decided NOT to host our usual NYE party. Instead we just kept things quiet and that was nice. bsmknight called last-minute and let us know he was free so we had sushi and I made an almond-flavored cake for luck. We woke Len near midnight, threw a pan of water out the front door, and watched some of the fireworks.

Baby was up as well. He slept only 1.5 hours between 7 PM and 1:15 AM. And of course he was up for the day before 7 AM, as is usual for him. He's very cute!

Len discovered the day before yesterday that he has his first loose tooth, and when I looked at it I realized his two adult bottom front teeth are coming in like shark teeth behind the baby teeth.

Baby can crawl now as of Thanksgiving, and is practicing pulling himself up on furniture to stand and dance. Right now he is trying to decide between chewing on a purple wooden rectangle or a Wiffle ball. He only has six teeth (two bottom and four top--he got the bottom ones first, and then the two *right-side* front teeth so he was a little snaggled for awhile--but all in good time. That was a surprise to me since Len had all twenty of his baby teeth by *his* first Christmas. :)

The crazy travel schedule starts up again next week. I will be heading down almost to Miami next week. Two weeks later, to Atlanta, and two weeks later, to Baltimore. I will miss Len's birthday this year, as well as my mom's. I may also miss Valentine's Day, but should be around for my birthday.

My sister helped me do some cleaning lately so I have Baby's clothes all re-organized, and we got rid of a bunch of furniture from the garage and moved a couple things upstairs that didn't belong downstairs anymore. So once we have the Christmas tree down and all packed up, we should finally have plenty of room in the dining room for the table, hutch, high chair, AND playpen and some of Baby's toys.

It's just too small in this house for four people!

Well, that's all I've got. I guess one more resolution I have is to get back here more often. Even if no one reads any particular entry, I feel better having gotten it all down.

aetna sucks, house, family, baby, lennon, friends, home, ciarán, work, health

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