the weekly update

May 12, 2007 00:19

went for dinner at dan ryan's chicago grill with hm and d quite some time ago for some hearty american fare, and it was GOOD. the chicken quesadilla, onion rings and chilli nachos came in such huge portions that we never did move on to the main courses. the baked onion soup was also very tasty, with a layer of melted gooey mozzarella cheese floating on top of onions swimming in a yummy broth.
hm is one of those people whom i'd never think would stay on in a public service job for more than 2 or 3 years. and yet she's been in the same organisation for 5 years and has no plans to move on! i think it boils down to enjoying what you do and being good at it. i think real job satisfaction lies in having both, not just one or the other, although either one could probably make quite a number of people happy enough.
over at my end, two are leaving the team. *sigh*
NINCOMPOOP is a word. it's a silly sounding word for a silly type of person. :D
ck's away for a good 10 days as part of the course-that-will-earn-him-more-money. what's 10 days of being apart right? but it's no fun limiting one's calls to 5 minutes or less. there's a daily yakking quota to be met, but there's no one to listen as patiently as ck does. someone is going to have to bear with lots of verbal diarrhea on wednesday!!
anyway, one of the girls in the group happened to recognise me from (believe this or not) music camp 1998!!! that's the one that we had organised for secondary school kids. i must really have made an impression, or i just haven't changed much since then.
we're getting paid twice this month! *ka-ching* *ka-ching*
and next month too! *ka-ching* *ka-ching*
plus, my increment comes in july! *ka-ching*
i think that's enough money for a decent holiday at the end of the year. :D
also, if all goes well, i might be going to borat country this year. then again, things are so much in flux nowadays that i probably won't be sure until 2-3 weeks before the trip. but i really want to go! *stomps feet*

random, work

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