Feb 05, 2009 15:54

I'm freezing. When the penguins are cold, IT'S FUCKING COLD!!!!

Even Amanda is complaining. Stoli slept curled in a ball with her tail over her nose last night. I know she's wearing a fur coat, but I felt sorry for her and let her sleep on my bed with me for the extra warmth. Dad and I are still fighting over the heat in the house . . . I maintain strenuously that, as it is WINTER IN NEW JERSEY, it is unreasonable in the extreme to keep the indoor temperature at 74 degrees, just so that he can lounge comfortably in short sleeves. Put on a fucking sweater, for God's sake.

No one is going to die because the thermostat is kept at sixty-two. Especially not if we survived my childhood at 55 degrees in the house.

I spent so much time and effort squealing over Jensen's movie that I completely forgot to squee over SPN! I'm totally rewatching the episode now.

God, I'd forgotten how cruel high school kids can be. I consider myself lucky that I manage to surf by the worst of the bullying-- I certainly wasn't part of the in-crowd, but I wasn't the bottom of the totem pole, either. Hiding in the middle, that was me.

Dean is so funny as the gym teacher . . . that's TOTALLY John's training coming out, right there. And, of course, he'll always drop everything for his Sammy.

You know, I don't think our high school had a "make-out" closet. We were so small . . . everybody knew everything about everybody anyway.

Awwwww, poor little Sammy taking a punch! Taking it well, too-- the way he turned with it, he shouldn't have much of a mark.

I don't remember any teachers taking that much of an interest in *any* student. I never saw it, that's for sure. And the guidance counselor was fucking useless . . . I think he needed Prozac before the stuff was even invented.

Look how cute, with the little hair thing in the flashback and then the present!

Don't we all love how little Sammy stands up to the bully! Whoever choreographed that scene did a good job, too . . . looked very realistic. And I know from experience how difficult it is to get kids to demonstrate a polished technique. And, whether deliberately or not, Colin Ford has the same way of holding his fist as does Jared Padalecki-- with his thumb sticking out so it'll get broken. *disdainful snort*

I guess the caltrops in the road were set by the Winchester boys? The possessed driver seems oddly unsurprised, though.

That speech Amanda gives teen!Dean in the hallway? That was *way* too mature for a seventeen-year-old. There's NO WAY that went down like that. I get why the scene is in there, but it's not realistic. Still . . . woobie!Dean!!!

In sum . . . AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

Leverage remains vastly amusing! Last week's episode contained yet another BtVS alumnus: anybody notice Jonathan as the bad guy accountant?

Nate's an alcoholic. Got it. Thanks. You can lay off now.

Yeah, I SOOOOO dig Eliot. Still. DUH. I love that Hardison is just kind of clumsily brawling, while Spencer is, of course, smashing the hell out of 'em all!

Parker sullenly taking her meds is so cute.

I keep thinking of Hardison as Jake, LOL. He's turning out to be a pretty good actor, with the range of accents and everything.

Nate going through DTs is quite entertaining. Didn't I just read a fanfic with Spencer and Hardison playing gay for a job? The look on Eliot's face was hysterical!

I like that we are seeing more depth to the characters. This episode showed us another side of Parker, and we're certainly delving into Nate's alcoholism. Nate's clearly at the stage of addiction wherein he still believes that he's the one in control: even with the hallucinations, even with trying to get out of rehab so that he can get to liquor. It will be interesting to see how this plays out through the rest of the season.


Something about the way Christian Kane's face is aging gives me the impression that there is Native American ancestry in there. I'm not sure if that's true or not. Anybody know?

Leverage remains mostly lighthearted fare for me, but I love it and will continue to watch. I really hope they get renewed!

SQUEEEEE!! New SPN tonight, yay!

squee, tv, spoilers, christian kane needs a makeover, spn, pretty boys, tv boyfriends, leverage

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