Feb 06, 2009 10:34

I got pulled over on the way to work because my passenger-side headlight was out WHEN IT WORKED PERFECTLY WELL AS I PULLED OUT OF MY DRIVEWAY A QUARTER-MILE BEFORE!!!

I was totally freaked out, but Officer Stadnick was very nice and just told me to take care of it ASAP after he ran my license and all that. I have never been so glad that my record IS FLAWLESS as I was then.

I don't hate cops like a lot of people do . . . I grew up with cops, half the guys I went to high school with are cops, and I've dated a few of them in my time. They're people just like the rest of us, trying to do a dangerous and often thankless job for the sake of people who are often hostile.

My dad likes to flag down random officers and block traffic while he thanks them profusely for being out there protecting the residents. I think that's overkill, but whenever I see police in the train station or on the street, I do always try to be polite and smile and nod if I catch their eyes. Most people just put their heads down and avert their eyes, but I think that's rude in the extreme.

Also, cop dogs love me, and sometimes I get to pet them. *grin*

But still . . . getting pulled over at six am is NOT FUN.

Let's talk about something more enjoyable, shall we?

SPN 4.14, Sex and Violence


OKAY NOW WE HAVE CANON WINCEST!!!! I mean, yeah, they tried to cover it up and make it look all cute and non-incestuous, but COME ON WE ALL KNOW WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON!!!

The subtext is rapidly becoming text.

So to recap: Sam is bisexual. Dean was sexually assaulted in jail Hell. The Winchester boys TOTALLY want to jump each other's bones.

Clearly, the writers have been smoking the good crack. And poaching the plots of several fanfics, but when the results are this much fun, who cares?

Ahaaaaaaaa . . . Dean gets to go to a strip joint and it's actually for a case! Hee!

Again, a boys-centric episode, YAY!! Did you think it was the FBI agent? I thought it was the doctor, myself. I loved Bobby's collection of phones, labeled for each purpose. And he was the one who had to rescue them! Hey: a thought. Does that imply that it's going to be *Bobby* who deals with taking out one or both of them, later?

Oh, I can see all the signs pointing to a big apocalyptic showdown at season's end. And it's going to HURT SO GOOD!!!

I heard that they're filming this season as if it's going to be the last? Is that true? They haven't been renewed? Say it ain't so!!


And . . . Sam is so fucking hot when he's being evil. Yum.

Ooh, best lines!

Sam: "If you're a siren in oh-nine looking to ruin a bunch of morons . . . where would you set up shop?"

Dean: "What is it with you and bangin' monsters?"

In a slightly related matter, I just found out that this Creation Con that everyone's always talking about is being held in Cherry Hill, NJ. THAT IS ALMOST LITERALLY MY BACKYARD. If I still lived in Voorhees, it TOTALLY WOULD BE.

I'm not one for cons, but the fact that it's so close by makes me feel like I should go on principle.

Opinions, anyone? People more experienced with cons than I? What are the reasons to attend?

I'm not really interested in meeting any of the actors: for one thing, Jensen's not going to be there, and for another? If he were going to be there, I wouldn't trust myself to NOT do something INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSING AND STUPID.

The cheapest ticket is twenty-five bucks, which seems a little steep, given that I don't know why I'd be going.

So, fill me in, folks!

spoilers, squee, tv, spn, tv boyfriends, pretty boys, life

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