(Like I said, I could have answered this question and the previous on the other way round.)
There was always a huge disconnect between the show I wanted Voyager to be and the show Voyager was. Not particularly anyone's fault but it was always there.
Because I wanted a show about a Starfleet ship bravely going where no-one had gone before, and the sacrifices it had to make to uphold the things Starfleet believed in. And I got a show that fell in love with the reset button where the choices never lead to bad things or even the possibility of bad things and there was lack of consequences once too often.
And it was normally Janeway that really suffered because of this. Two examples:
Tuvix - where after trying to guilt another person into suicide, she sentences him to death and we're supposed to be okay with this. Basically, unless Tuvok and Neelix remember nothing, they know what it's like to be murdered by their crew-mates, and there's no reaction to this.
Endgame - what makes that the day she goes for it? I mean I get that Voyager has had too much of an effect on the Delta quadrant to stop them going before they go. But how do you justify that to Lt. Carey's family, who I see dies 4 episodes before the end. They're already back in contact with Starfleet. I'm not sure how much it changes, other than having to drop Neelix off on the way back. I suspect it's just that the writers forgot but ... it leaves an odd taste in the mouth.
People keep suggesting that if I want consequences I ought to watch the Battlestar Galactica reboot. But that's not what I want either, I want good triumphing and being nice winning and I know I'm not getting that in BSG.
Day 1 -
Which Star Trek series is your favorite?Day 2 -
Who is your favorite character?Day 3 -
Who is your least favorite character?Day 4 -
What was the first episode/movie you watched?Day 5 -
What was the first Star Trek series you watched?Day 6 -
Your favorite canon pairing?Day 7 -
Your favorite non-canon pairing?Day 8 -
Your favorite actor/actress? (Not the same as character.)Day 9 -
What's your favorite episode?Day 10 -
What's your favorite species?Day 11 -
What's your least favorite species?Day 12 -
Favourite Funny MomentDay 13 -
What's your favorite dramatic moment?Day 14 -
What's your favorite Star Trek quote?Day 15 -
How did you get into Star Trek?Day 16 -
Are you involved with Star Trek fandom?Day 17 -
Have you read any of the books? If so, which ones?Day 18 -
If you could be any species in the Star Trek universe, what would you be?Day 19 -
How did the Star Trek reboot affect you?Day 20 -
Favourite One-Off (Non-Recurring) CharacterDay 21 -
Which Star Trek food would you want to try at least once?Day 22 -
Which Star Trek world would you want to visit at least onceDay 23 -
Is there anything you'd want to change about Star Trek? Why? Day 25 - How has Star Trek changed you?
Day 26 - Lots of Star Trek Parodies out there. Which do you dig?
Day 27 - What would you cross over with Star Trek?
Day 28 - Your favourite friendship in Star Trek?
Day 29 - If you could tell Gene Roddenberry one thing, Star Trek related or not, what would it be?