Cobra Starship @ Busch Gardens

May 13, 2012 22:59

I saw Cobra Starship in Williamsburg at Busch Gardens today. I've been feeling pretty fannishly disconnected, and there aren't really any other bands left from my hardcore bandom days that I would make a four hour drive for, but I think I would still do even more than that for Cobra. inlovewithnight and I joke that we're going to hit every show between Charlotte and Boston when they finally announce tour dates. I don't actually foresee having that much vacation time ever, but it's a nice thought and I would certainly try, especially since I won't be surprised if Night Shades ends up being their last album.

I still just love them so much. I don't have a lot other than that. I just have a lot of feelings. Sometimes I think I don't have so many feelings anymore, but oh no. I still do.

Gabe was on tonight, charismatic and captivating in that way he is when he's at his best. We were in a big amphitheater, about four rows back and dead center in front of the stage (thanks to a well-timed Foursquare check in that got us VIP seats) and I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He was so happy, so clearly having so much fun. And that was true at the FBR15 show last summer too, but it's still good to see after the...well, hot mess that was the end of the last Hot Mess tour.

This was a family show, so he'd clearly been told to keep it clean, which he was having a blast doing, kind of cheekily. ("Middle Finger" turned into "throw your fingers up" with two thumbs up and that Gabe Saporta grin) and "trying to behave" is a really charming look for him, I have to say. It also meant I totally relaxed and didn't spend any time worrying that he was going to say something terrible. Amazing! (Well, except when they played "You Belong to Me' and he sang it super sincerely because that song will never not be creepy, but that really was more just embarrassment squick. Why do I love him so much? I ask you). There was something about this show that was just very...gentle, in a way. Obviously, a good deal of that WAS that it was a family show, and he'll probably be back to his usual antics when they're back in clubs but I feel that way about Night Shades as an album too, and it's interesting to watch them without that edgy defensiveness.

The others didn't quite have the same level of energy Gabe was throwing around the stage, but that would have been hard. He kept throwing his microphone stand (and making Danny Huttp retrieve it and then chasing him all over the stage. I wonder sometimes what Danny's life must be like, going from permanent Cobra merch guy to...whatever his role actually is now, but he's been with them on the sidelines forever. Then I worry about myself and the fact that I still follow their merch guy on Twitter /o\). Victoria and Alex in particular just seemed really tired, but they also all seemed happy to be there and to be together. There was a lot of genuine camaraderie and obvious affection.(Side note: Gabe still loves Ryland a lot. Just putting that out there into the universe).

Gabe intro'd "Kiss My Sass" with "this is for the old Cobra fans." God, I don't like to think about how long ago Viva was. I wish they'd gone all the way back to When the City Sleeps, just because I would love to hear "Send My Love to the Dance Floor" or "Church of Hot Addiction" live again, but I didn't really expect that. I was glad to get some stuff off Viva, including Guilty , Pleasure, which Gabe intro'd with "this song is about the reason we're a band". We know, Gabriel. We know and we love you for it. I say this every time, but there is just something about hearing that song live that's incredibly cathartic. That continues to be true. I actually got a similar feeling from "#1Night" and I'm really glad that's their new single. It's 1) one of the catchiest songs off Night Shades, and 2) very in keeping with the Cobra ethos. I wish they had played "Don't Blame the World" and I still don't think i will ever feel like my Cobra experiences have been complete until i hear them play that live and INCLUDE THE BRIDGE, but maybe when they finally do a club tour, whenever that actually happens.

tl;dr Cobra Starship: I still love them best.

Tomorrow: Gabe on Gossip Girl. Get excited.

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