Yuletide Reveal (and Happy New Year)

Jan 02, 2012 13:03

A little belatedly, Happy New Year, flist! I felt pretty sick yesterday, and so did not really get out of bed at all, except to drag myself to the couch to play Halo 2 and order Chinese food in the evening. Not a bad day, really, except for the sick thing. I guess I would say it's not an auspicious beginning to 2012, except that 2011 started off pretty strong and then kind of deteriorated, so you never know.

I would like to point out that it occurred to me this morning when I woke up and felt better that it is January, and I have not gotten really sick yet this winter. This is the first year since I was about fifteen that I have not gotten at least one really severe cold by this time. (Last year I was sick for four months). Except I'm thinking maybe it's the flu that I usually get, because THIS year I got a flu shot, and then did not get sick and it is almost as if the two things are connected. You mean flu shots work? WHO KNEW. Science, wow.

Anyway, Yuletide Reveals, also a little belatedly:

I wrote All the Rooms of the Castle Except This One for
the_wanlorn. Once Upon a Time, Maleficent/The Evil Queen

Given the shitshow that was December, I probably would have defaulted on Yuletide entirely if this hadn't been my prompt. I offered Once Upon a Time just on the off chance that someone might request this pairing, and then someone did and the prompt could not have been more perfect if it had been tailor made for me. Writing the fic itself was harder than I thought it would be, and I had a significant amount of angst about it, but in hindsight, I really like the way it turned out.

I also wrote a treat:

And You're Overdue for
inlovewithnight. You Make Me Feel... Music Video (Cobra Starship), Gabe Saporta/Sabi

While I tried not to be too obviously me, I can't imagine this is deeply shocking to anyone. ('Night had me pegged, anyway. ;). It was super fun to write; Gabe Saporta, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

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onceuponatime, hooraythecobra, yuletide

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