We're a little over a month from Mardi Gras. Too soon for the Mardi Gras icon? I don't think so. In future years, I think I'm going to start bringing it out at Twelfth Night. That's how you make January bearable, I think, embrace Carnival season from beginning to end. Even here the bakeries are already selling King Cake. GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME. You know that "We Need a Little Christmas" song? That is basically how I feel about Mardi Gras in January. Is it time for parades yet? I'm going to dig out my bag of Mardi Gras beads from last year and throw them all around the apartment until I feel festive.
I've not been feeling festive. I've been feeling pretty down this weekend, and there's a combination of factors playing into that, starting with really legit family stuff and ending with the fact that I hate being cold. I'll be okay, just, blah, winter, why. At least it's been a long weekend. I've spent most of it asleep, except for one foray out into the wilds of Virginia on Saturday for all night karaoke at a private room karaoke bar, which is just the kind of thing one has to do occasionally.
Today, I was going to apply for jobs/write fic, and so far I have updated my ubuntu computer for the first time in...lolololol, looked for Vampire Diaries icons, and drank a pot of coffee. Super productive!
Anyway, I am still an episode behind on Vampire Diaries because I am always at least an episode behind, but I gather that the things I don't like get worse in the episode I haven't seen?
You guys, I just want Damon/Elena to stop. I'm less against it than I used to be since I don't find it actively gross anymore and I was actually a little bit into the first kiss scene in spite of myself, but I'm still 895x more interested in them when their dynamic is platonic. They're much more *partners* this season, which works for me better, but they're partners in GETTING STEFAN BACK, and I still can't get over how patronizing Damon was of Elena last season. Also, I apparently am WAY more invested in Stefan/Elena than I thought I was. Like, way more. When did that happen? I sort of thought I was over getting super invested in mortal/immortal ships because it's been ages and ages since one appealed to me, and that's not usually my dynamic anyway. I'm all about Damon/Katherine, which I'm sure shocks no one, but on paper, I should be all Stefan/Klaus or Stefan/Rebecca and Elena/normal life. NOT THE CASE. STEFAN/ELENA FOREVER. Or until she grows old and he remains young and vampiric and devoted to her. (<-concepts I usually hate).
This brings us to my actual truly unpopular opinion: Klaus. I don't get it. He's boring. I don't understand why I feel that way. Again, on paper Klaus should probably be my thing. But, no, I am pretty much only interested in him in relationship to Stefan. He can stay because I kind of enjoy how that plotline is playing out, but I am just not even remotely interested in Klaus and his issues in their own right. :/
Amoral!Stefan is great, though. And the Stefan&Damon sibling dynamic is super great. Despite the Elena/Stefan thing that seems to have happened to me, I still really, really like that over and over again it's Damon that Stefan protects and it's that bond that he can't seem to shake. I like that the show is letting a relationship other than ~true love~ be such a central and grounding factor.
I also continue to ship Damon/Alaric in a gleefully intense kind of way. Their friendship makes so little narrative sense, and I just really deeply enjoy that. I would watch the Damon and Alaric buddy cop show so hard.
I also have one Supernatural thought:
I am really super glad they actually killed Bobby and we're getting that emotional fallout. I liked Bobby, but his death was WAY overdue, given that for Supernatural to really work emotionally, everyone has to be expendable (not just the women!) They get some points back from me for killing both Castiel and Bobby (assuming Castiel is actually dead). I still have issues, but yeah. I've liked how that's handled.
And the most recent episode was very pleasing to me, mostly because HI NICK LEA. Glad to see you're still alive/doing things. God, I loved him so much when I was a baby fangirl. Kryyyyyyycek.
In other news, I read this fic the other day that led to wow feelings everywhere, and I apparently still care a lot about Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie and my tragic bandom OTP, so that was kind of fun/heartwrenching. I thought I'd mostly purged myself of bandom-type feelings that did not relate to Gabe Saporta, but apparently not. You'd think I'd have reconciled myself to that by now. If I'm going to be having an OTP renaissance, why couldn't it at least be Angel/Spike? That would have been much more convenient since that's the fic that I'm supposed to be writing. :/
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