(no subject)

Dec 28, 2011 13:50

Last night we finally managed to see all of the new Sherlock Holmes. I enjoyed it, and I think I managed to follow it better the second time. The plot was kind of dumb, which is why I got confused the first time around, but that's not really the point, and the whole thing was very pretty and fun. Obviously, Irene continues to be my favorite thing about these movies and I refuse to accept that she is actually dead, but other than that it was highly enjoyable.

And then we got barbeque and beer downtown, and then we played a bunch of Wii sports (I think I pulled a muscle in my arm from bowling) and my brother and I caught up on American Horror Story, which I had gotten kind of skeptical of because I found the plot convoluted and difficult to follow, and they never did really explain what was going on with that house, but I really loved the ending. There's something so deliciously twisted about the Harmons finally being happy together only when they're dead and trapped in the house. Ryan Murphy's endless push for *edginess* usually just makes me roll my eyes, but every once in awhile I think he really nails it (maybe in spite of himself). I'll be curious about next season. Is it true it's a whole new house/cast?

I took today off even from telecommuting so I could sleep in, pack, and start taking down the tree to help my parents reclaim their house a little. Back to DC tonight, back to work tomorrow, ugh. It will be good see my friends (and my apartment and my BED) but I really hate the post-holiday wind down. I wonder if it's possible to save up enough vacation time to take one that actually feels long enough? Probably not.

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ahs, movies

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