(no subject)

Aug 19, 2010 15:53

7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly).

Yeah, ok I guess, but I tend to agree with the second comment down that there are certain assumptions being made about zombies here that I am not sure are safe assumptions. Also, zombies can recruit and people can't and I feel like that's being overlooked. Zombie survival/evacuation plans are IMPORTANT, ok? No one here thinks about it as much as they should. (Except for
inlovewithnight, apparently, so fine, she and I will make a plan, but my zombie plans usually involve other people who are not me being in charge of the chainsaw wielding part, just FYI).


Next week is DC Beer Week. Well, I know how I'm spending...every night next week. I am hoping for Abita SOS. I was all reconciled that I would have to PATIENT and WAIT for it. Oh God, want.. But I expect that it will make a beer week appearance. I love the Abita brewery so much, and not just because their beer is always excellent (though it is), but because of how they are so much a part of the community and identified with the region. After Katrina they made Abita Restoration, and used a portion of the proceeds for hurricane relief. Now they have Gulf Coast oil spill relief beer. I seriously get all choked up just reading the SOS website. Drink beer for great justice! There is nothing about that that is not amazing.


In other, very exciting, news, I got a job flist! I don't really like talking about the job hunt process while I'm in the middle of it because that makes me super anxious and I'm probably still not ready to talk about it a lot because I am still anxious in the oh-God-they-made-a-mistake-and-are-going-to-find-out-I'm-an-unqualified-poser kind of way, but all of that neurotic-ness aside, while it's not the most exciting job I interviewed for, it's a good offer and it looks like it's going to be a very good opportunity. I'm pleased. And also very, very relieved.

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abita, beer, my neuroses: let me show you them, new orleans, job:dc, links, zombie_apocalypse

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