(no subject)

Apr 09, 2010 02:06

On another note, here are a couple of pictures I enjoy that are days old and that everyone has seen already:


You know, if you'd told me like, a year ago, that I would actively ship Ryan Ross with someone who was not Brendon Urie, I would not have believed you, but oh wow, Z Berg, have my heart. Someday, SOMEDAY, I will finish my fic about them. (Or, you know, my Brendon/Ryan fic. Or the Gabe one. Or any of them, really).

Also, look at how pretty she is her whole band is in the Fair Game video. I cannot WAIT for that album.


If fandom loved me at all, more Gabe/Ryland fic would exist. I am just saying. Again.

Yeah, that's it. I am too lazy for real picspams.


Unrelatedly, cidercupcakes is running
avatar_minis! Like femslash_minis, if you remember those from BtVS. It's a fun, fairly low-pressure thing ( in which I am not participating at the moment because given my life right now, adding any obligations at all might result in some kind of psychotic break, but, you know, under normal circumstances). I don't know who is on my flist who is not also on hers, who might be into ATLA, but we have found that whenever it gets mentioned people just come out of the woodwork, so I figured I would pass it on!

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axis of emo, tyv, hooraythecobra, atla, thelike

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