I'm going to stop prefacing every entry with "I haven't been around a whole lot, but..." I'm three weeks from the end of grad school; we're just going to have to assume I'm only going to be around for sporadically for about the next month. I am just doing a very mediocre job of being an Internet/fandom friend atm. I'm sorry. :(
So I was going to watch Treme the other night, but then I started it, got about five minutes in and went lol no. Now the plan is to watch it tonight with
bgamwell (who is also from NOLA) and then go drinking. I anticipate that being kind of cathartic, and probably also a poor decision given that I do have to go to work tomorrow.
I did watch
Gossip Girl. I so totally jinxed myself two weeks ago when I said I was liking everybody because right now I hate everyone except maybe Eric. And way to take EVERYTHING that was great about Chuck/Blair and make it bad. I am still so displeased. They were not that unhealthy, is the thing, not until this, anyway. My kink is okay, Gossip Girl! ;___; And I'm still super pissed off because I don't even know if want them to fix it because Chuck was SO wrong, and I don't actually think Blair did anything wrong. Does that make me weird? Because I know we're supposed to think she's half to blame, but she's NOT. Everything she did, she did for Chuck. Everything Chuck did, he did...for Chuck. I want to see you grovel, Chuck Bass. But how interesting was that moment where Nate said "so punish him" and she said, "there is no punishment for what he did." 'Cause I was thinking that too, except it's so far over the line that she just *can't* even bring the games back in. Such a great character moment, God. I love Blair so much.
This weekend I also watched Dr. Who 5.02 with
cidercupcakes. I am already pretty fond of Eleven. Amy is still my fourth favorite of the new Who companions, but that doesn't really mean much because I loved the others SO much, that it would be difficult for her to surpass them immediately. I do like her, and she has plenty of time to win me over completely. Liz 10 was AMAZING.
Okay, so just because I feel like I ought to acknowledge it, the Panic/TYV side of bandom seems to have had some controversy yesterday. I read both of those interviews and watched the "Defiance" video, and if you know me at all you can probably guess that those things caused me to have a lot of feelings, but I sort of don't want to discuss those feelings in too much detail here because I haven't really developed any more of a sense of perspective or emotional distance than I had the last time we went through all this. Maybe I should have, but I haven't, so oh well. I'm a super defensive Ryan fan who is still pretty neurotic about the split. That tells you everything you need to know, right? Right. I will say that TYV seems to be having a lot of fun and making music they really like, and I think that is a really good thing, and I really hope that is also the case for Panic!. Also, JMont continues to be hilarious and the fact that he quasi-confirmed Ryan/Z makes me pretty delighted, not gonna lie. IT'S NOT A TINHAT IF THEY'RE ACTUALLY DATING.
Usually at the end of most semesters I end up mainlining an entire TV show as a stress relief coping mechanism. This semester, I seem to be having a torrid affair with the figureskating kinkmeme. I don't usually pay any attention to kink memes at all; I don't actually know what's going on. But there's a lot of really long archrivalry fic, and it's actually kind of nice to read fic about people who in some cases I only vaguely care about and in other cases I only vaguely know who are. I sort of forgot what it was like to be able to click on a cut tag and not have all that baggage. Oh, bandom.
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