Supernatural 3x17

Apr 09, 2010 01:42

So shit's about to *really* get real, huh? Good. I've been waiting.

I honestly don't know what to do with the levels of misogyny this show achieves. At first I figured they didn't know they were doing it, then it was *so* blatant I couldn't believe it wasn't intentional, then I kind of figured, like with what happened with Jo and Ellen, they were actually trying to be better and failing miserably, now I'm kind of back on maybe they just really can't tell! And I don't even know which of those things is worse. "On a good day you get to kill a whore?" Oh my God, SPN, whatever, seriously. Gross.

Otherwise, I kind of enjoyed this episode, which is a little weird for me given how much it was focused on the religion stuff and given that my general reaction to anything involving angels is "ugh, whatever." I've sort of realized that some of that really is fannish entitlement - I don't like these development and therefore nothing they do will please me. So some of it is me. Of course, some of it is them because they pull shit like "descended from Cain and Abel" which is just ridiculous. And dumb. But anyway, this episode was focused enough on the Dean and Sam drama and inner pain that it worked for me despite angels, angels everywhere. Though there were no real angels (that we saw) except for Castiel, so that might have helped. I *am* getting tired of the references to John as a dead-beat Dad. I am more or less neutral on John Winchester - I thought he was a compelling, flawed character who was a crappy parent, in a crappy situation, doing the best he could and so he was *interesting,* but I'm not super invested in him - but it's such a one-note thing to keep driving that point home, and I still think they're doing it for a reason and that that reason is likely stupid. It makes him seem like a much less nuanced character than he actually is, and that bothers me on story-telling grounds more than anything.

I enjoyed Castiel in this episode possibly more than I have ever enjoyed Castiel before.

I love - LOVE - the idea of Dean and Lisa. I also love the idea of Dean/Cassie. And I loved Dean/Carmen in "What is and What Should Never Be." I am fascinated by the idea of Dean in a relationship, and Dean/Lisa would be great; I wanted Ben to actually be his kid. It would not have taken much to have the Dean/Lisa stuff work for me. However, it would have taken more than we got because it really seemed to come out of nowhere. If there had been any indication that he thinks about her all the time, if she'd ever been mentioned again, if he'd had her fucking phone number, maybe. In theory, I am 100% behind Dean/Lisa, but I'm not really buying the execution here. Show, don't tell, SPN.

I really kind of loved Dean giving up, and Sam trying to talk him out of it and it not working and then Dean running off to do something monumentally stupid. I can't wait. They've been talking about the apocalypse long enough. Let's do this thing.

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