(no subject)

Mar 08, 2010 11:48

I am in Chicago! And I seem to be on Internet/fandom hiatus! I didn't really *mean* for that to happen, but it has and it seems likely to continue through most of this week.

Mostly I have been sitting on my brother's couch drinking and playing video games. We beat Turtles in Time and Castle Crashers the first day and we've played some drunken RockBand, which was great. They made me play Beatles RockBand, which was fun, but I continue to not really ...get the whole Beatles thing? I mean, they're alright. Just kind of overrated. I know, I know, I make Ryan Ross and Z Berg cry. You can all go ahead and disown me.

My brother and his roommate have also been rewatching Farscape because the roommate had never seen it before. They were at the end of the third season when I got here and that's such an excellent, heart-breaking moment to walk into. That show, you guys, that show. It relentlessly hits pretty much every button I have (or at least a significant percentage), which possibly explains my love, but oh my God, it is everything I love. And John Crichton/Aeryn Sun really is my OTP of all time. Favorite fictional couple ever, and they don't even really have more than token competition from anybody else. And you know how I feel about my other OTPs so that should really tell you something. (ETA: There are now serious Farscape spoilers in the comments of the LJ version of this post).

Let's see...we've had a lot of beer, Chicago-style pizza and fried chicken and waffles. We tried to go to an improv show, but it was sold out so then we just wandered around Wrigleyville and then came back and played more video games. Last night we saw Alice in Wonderland, and I was afraid it wouldn't live up to the hype, but I really enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the Alice/The White Queen subtext and if there isn't *already* fic, then fandom has failed me. The way they set up Alice's decision as to whether or not to be The White Queen's champion as such a clear parallel with her decision of whether or not to marry Hamish was so great. And she says yes to one and no to the other, that's my only point.

Today we might actually leave the apartment and do something, or we might just play more RockBand or watch some bad horror movies, idk. I really am not caught up on my flist and I probably won't be for the next couple of days, so if there's anything I should see, link it here. Alternatively, I am always available by email. <3333

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