Assorted Things

Mar 04, 2010 00:13

Some things!

+ Today was the first day same-sex couple could apply for marriage licenses in DC and I am pretty thrilled about that. Pictures!

- Class tonight was pretty much a disaster, but w/e, w/e one day until Spring Break.

+ Fangirls are awesome. I had dinner and beer with spiderwebb, cidercupcakes, and inlovewithnight and there was good conversation (and judging of random people) and it was good times. I know I say this over and over, but I am pretty happy I live in a place with a solid fangirl network now because my fangirl friends here are pretty great.

- The amount of beer I drank at dinner did not cancel out the amount of caffeine I drank before class and I still feel like I'm vibrating.

+ In two days I will be in Chicago playing drunken RockBand with my brother. \o/ I CAN'T WAIT. Though it will be even colder there.


- MCR isn't "my" band, but I'm so sorry, bbs. *hugs* Oh bandom, way to just keep breaking hearts. This fandom is overdue for something awesome.

? There is suddenly more Buffy talk on my flist than there has been in AGES and it's making me all nostalgic. And it sort of makes me wish I had an opinion on this whole BtVS comic thing, but I really don't because I haven't read a single issue canon ends with "Chosen," I guess, so I haven't been paying close attention to comics anything beyond reading the occasional fic that takes comics canon into account But now I'm kind of curious. And completely baffled and lolwhut. But curious.

+ Thanks, Bden, I needed that. Also, hey, I still like those The Like girls.

Almost 1 AM and of course I still haven't done my work for class tomorrow. Say fuck it and go to sleep and do it at work tomorrow, y/n? Probably Y.

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axis of emo, tyv, mcr, patd, thelike, btvs/ats

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