(no subject)

Mar 02, 2010 12:17

It is cold and gray here, but at least it is finally March! Good riddance, February. It's supposed to snow tomorrow, but at least it's not supposed to snow today on my birthday because that would have been so tragic. You guys, I'm twenty-six today, holy crap. When did that happen? There are so many really famous people who are younger than me when they're supposed to be older than me and it's upsetting. Also twenty-six! That's nearly late twenties! What is this madness? What have I accomplished? OH GOD.

Probably if I wasn't so D: about the idea of actual adulthood then I would be less O.o about twenty-six. But I guess I've been an actual adult for awhile now, so.

But! Last night I had a joint birthday party with a friend whose birthday was yesterday (she turned 24 - now that is a good year/age to be. I liked 24) and there was pizza and cake (and ice cream cake!) and beer and good conversation and good friends. It was a great night and I have a lot of good friends; I'm lucky to have them (both online and off ♥). And who knows? Maybe 26 will be great. With graduation coming up in May and only the most vague of plans for what happens after that, it's bound to be an adventure - (at least for certain values of "adventure"). Whatever, planning ahead is for the weak! And I'm bad at it anyway. And I'm actually kind of excited about what maybe comes next when I'm not too busy being blindly terrified.

My dad was in town this weekend, so I haven't really checked my flist in days and days and I am not going to check it right now either because I got into work and there was a pile of things to do, so they seem to be expecting me to do actual work today. So demanding! But I hope you all are well! Did I miss anything good this weekend? I hear Ryro cut his hair. Good call, bb.

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