(no subject)

Jun 03, 2009 22:58

So Gabe Saporta has a new blog. The feed is here. This is potentially problematic for me in my entitled fannishness as he has been upsetting me (more) lately, but it will likely also provide gems at times.

I think he mostly comes off as a total asshole so far, but at least he's self-aware enough to know that people are likely to think that and that they have a reason to. Alright Gabriel, hit me with your best shot.


In other hilarifying news, has everyone seen the trailer for the new Twilight movie?

image Click to view

It is SO FANTASTIC, you guys. The special effects are so bad and the acting and the writing are so overwrought, but...okay, have I talked here about how much I really kind of love not only RPatz but Kristen Stewart too? Probably not because it's embarrassing. Both of them are generally hostile and they don't bathe, but whatever. We all know RPatz is hilarious, but there is something about KStew that really, really appeals to me, idk.


One of my good friends from school is in China right now. She sent me an email yesterday that said:

I saw a poster for a Chinese movie called "the Forbidden tale of sex & chopsticks". I don't really know what it's about, but I'd like to think that it involves some hoyay and thought you would approve.

I love that even my non-fannish friends here really do seem to get me. <3

axis of emo, hooraythecobra

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