
Jun 03, 2009 22:58

So Gabe Saporta has a new blog. The feed is here. This is potentially problematic for me in my entitled fannishness as he has been upsetting me (more) lately, but it will likely also provide gems at times ( Read more... )

axis of emo, hooraythecobra

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Comments 10

inlovewithnight June 4 2009, 03:19:14 UTC
Ohhhh Gabriel. I don't think I can look at that again. ::wince::


redbrickrose June 4 2009, 03:20:29 UTC
I subscribed to the feed because I hate myself.


fodian June 4 2009, 03:38:28 UTC
One day, about a few weeks back, I woke up and suddenly, I fucking LOVED KStew. I love her greasy hair and her constant bitchface and her stoner-ass, dropping-shit-awards-and-being-adorable self.

I mean really, look!

... )


redbrickrose June 4 2009, 03:39:51 UTC
RIGHT? She's adorable! <3 I think it's the constant bitchface that really does it for me. I'm glad I'm not alone in this!


cidercupcakes June 4 2009, 04:20:30 UTC
I really kind of love not only RPatz but Kristen Stewart too

INORITE? I kind of loved the movie, to be honest (disclaimer: I saw it with a few stiff drinks in me, so that may have colored my perception). Since everyone involved in the making of the movie hated the books, they seem to be doing their best to undermine the books at every turn by using the movie to show how COMPLETELY FUCKING RIDICULOUS the books are. It delights me. So RPatz and KStew. Their thinly-veiled contempt for Twilight is amazing.


redbrickrose June 4 2009, 14:25:13 UTC
Hee! I should try watching when I've been drinking. I haven't tried that yet.

Their thinly-veiled contempt for Twilight is amazing.

Right? When I RPatz started giving those interviews I was just like "...what?" It is kind of unprofessional of him, but ALSO HILARIOUS.


quirkytaverna June 4 2009, 05:53:39 UTC
THE TRAILER MADE ME LAUGH SO. SO. HARD. Oh my god it's so terrible.

Also! You probably could guess because I've written RPF with her in it before, but I find such an awkward appeal to Kristen Stewart; I genuinely like her.


redbrickrose June 4 2009, 14:25:59 UTC
But awesome!

I read that! I like her too; I think she's *adorable.*


seraphcelene June 4 2009, 06:20:46 UTC
I am both stunned and excited by the badness. The potential for mockery and the OMG WTF of it all. I mean ... seriously? With the bad CGI wolf and oh, paper cut!! argh!! Horrified and totally jonesing for the badness. Although, I realized that I'm a total fan of the fandom. The books made me want to gauge out my eyes and the movie (when I finally got around to seeing it on DVD left me crying tears of laughter). Such is the awesomness and then, as someone mentioned ... the thinly veiled contempt.



redbrickrose June 4 2009, 14:29:23 UTC
Oh man, it's going to be FANTASTIC. But I'm going to get drunk before I watch this next one.

What is with the bad special effect lately? You would think Twilight would have a budget big enough for better ones (I know the first movie didn't, but you'd think that now they would), but you would have thought that about Wolverine too.


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