(Both links stolen from
Panic at the Cabin There will never be enough fic about the cabin to satisfy me. There are many, many, many things I love about these pictures, but I think I especially love the return of Brendon's glasses and spiky hair look. Can we have fic about that? That's such a good look for him. I also enjoy Ryan's jacket and the fact he wants us to see the picture of Keltie on his phone. And Spencer with the deer head. Ha!
This interview with Spencer. Mostly because he reveals to us that if he wasn't in the band he would have gone to school to be a chef. Did we know that before? Is that a fact I have picked up by fannish osmosis? I totally included Spencer's culinary abilities in the fic I am currently working on, and I was totally making shit up, but apparently I was right. Win.
I was not going to do the unpopular opinions meme. And then I was. And then I wasn't. But whatever, I am. I'm never totally sure what constitutes "unpopular," but ask away and I'll tell you what I think whether it's unpopular or not. I assume you all know what my fandoms are, but if you ask about something I don't know about then I'll talk about that too even if I have to make things up.
Somewhat randomly, I have been reading a lot of Entourage fic off of
crack_van. I have barely ever watched Entourage, but I am enjoying that there is lots of UST laden fic about celebrities and their friends (or one celebrity and his friends, whatever). How did I never pay full attention to this show? I need to get my hands on the first season; it's like RPF without the shame. Not that I have much shame left by this point.