
Jan 09, 2008 01:06

This is probably inflammatory. It's probably fighting words. It will probably make no sense to anyone not following the weemo_closet poll, but, uh. Pstump and Jwalk could be naked - together - and covered in oil and VickyT would still be hotter than their combined hotness. And I'm not saying they're not adorable and I don't love them. Because they are and I do. I'm just saying adorable vs. hot like the surface of the sun, you know? At least we all know Frank is going to win.

I continue to have vaguely unsettling real person/fannish character divide issues re: bandom. This fandom was my Place of Unadulterated Squee for a long time and at the moment . . . IDK, not so much. I am hoping it passes SOON. I am comforting myself by 1) watching the Torchwood teaser over and over again 2) reading all the new Harry/Draco I can get my hands on and 3) reading slow-build, angsty, UST filled popslash. No one told me how much of that there was in that fandom! Or, okay, people totally told me that, but I didn't pay enough attention obviously. Popslash is apparently full of fic that hits all my guilty pleasure emotional kinks. Which is sort of *exactly* what I need right now.

Someday I will have worthwhile contributions to fandom - any fandom - again.

axis of emo, mcr, hooraythecobra, patd, devoid_of_fannish_glee, fob, pretending_people_care

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