
Jan 11, 2008 10:15

Only Panic(!) at the Disco could have *punctuation* wank. Oh, boys. I continue to be entirely too emotionally invested in you, but at least I'm feeling marginally better about it.

Seriously, between Panic(!) antics/wank and the Torchwood teaser (everyone has seen that there's more, right?) my flist has been an interesting and exhausting place this week. Torchwood fills me with an inordinate amount of squee. I may have some issues with Russell T. Davies at times (see: Martha Jones), but he did give us Captain Jack. And he did give us canonical orgasmic energy eating aliens. And, as an AtS fangirl and an Angel/Spike shipper, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY APPROVE of any and all recent Torchwood developments. We all knew Torchwood kind of wanted to be AtS all along, but it was never quite so explicit before. As chase820 said - it's kind of like Rusty is trying to get as close as he possibly can to giving A/S fans what we always wanted (and wish we'd gotten in AtS s5). I, for one, fully appreciate his efforts.

Also, this morning got off to an incredibly overdramatic start when my computer crashed and I proceeded to freak the fuck out until executorvs came home and fixed it with his magic computer powers and then lectured me on having too many processes running and not updating my bios ever and, in general, acting like I believe computers to be magic boxes. My dependency on my computer is truly and deeply distressing given how hard I am on it and how helpless I am when it breaks. The upside was that I was so agitated about it that I was actually up and active in time to drink too much coffee and eat actual food (if by "actual food" you mean "king cake" - still closer to actual food than slim fast breakfast bars) so now I'm all sugared and caffeined up and I want to be pretty much anywhere but at work. At least it's Friday.

Tell me something entertaining?

axis of emo, torchwood, patd, btvs/ats, full_of_fannish_glee, aliens_that_eat_orgasmic_energy

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