what I watched over my christmas vacation

Dec 28, 2007 16:19

I've pretty much been offline since Christmas Eve between the family activities and the applying to grad school and the Supernatural/Cowboy Bebop marathon.

Some things:

1) With four episodes and the movie of Cowboy Bebop to go, I acknowledge that it is an interesting show and definitely my kind of thing, despite the fact that I'm usually not much of one for anime. It reminds me a bit of Firefly, which doesn't surprise me because everyone always told me it would.

2) With six episodes to go in season 1 of SPN, adronai acknowledges that it is an interesting show and is not, in fact, "Charmed with boys." \o/ Victory.

3) Much to my dismay, adronai still deems Pete Wentz and all things related to him completely unacceptable. So I went to lunch with southernbangel and told her about Pete Wentz instead. Uh. Sorry, Lee? (Despite his distaste, adronai does seem to have picked up bandom information by osmosis. Particularly knowledge of personality quirks of Pete Wentz, Gabe Saporta and Gerard Way. I do not think this pleases him. Uh. Sorry, Sam?)

4) For Christmas I gave adronai s2 of BSG because that's the only way to make him watch it.

5) For Christmas my dad gave me the ENTIRE RUN of She-Ra: Princess of Power. I AM SO EXCITED YOU GUYS, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. That is my childhood in a BOX right there. SO EXCITED.

Sam and I head back to New Orleans tomorrow. It was a great Christmas and I decided I like my parents not living in the place I grew up. I miss New Mexico, but it was hard for me to spend too much time in Roswell without feeling suffocated and that had nothing to do with my family and everything to do with being back in my hometown. I can spend a length of time here in Birmingham and not feel that way. It's nice.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

family, adronai, birmingham, ros-hell, pretending_people_care

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