Rec: The Big Bang Theory

Nov 01, 2010 23:59

Title: Some Light Reading: A Big Bang Theory Cover Art Archive 
Artist: fujiidom 
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory

This is an amazing collection of covers for assorted fic in The Big Bang Theory fandom. Not only is the art amazing - but it also links to many of the best stories in the fandom. I can't say I've read everything here, but I've definitely attempted it over time, and it's wonderful to see some of my favourite fics given such wonderful treatment. fujiidom gives each fic a piece of art that fits its mood beautifully, and it's lovely scrolling through the covers,.. rather like wandering around a library looking for a good book.

And... while we're on the topic of geeks and science...

Website: The Scale of the Universe
Creator: Cary Huang

This amazing website lets you zoom from microscopic quantum detail right to the very edges of the universe. Zooming out it really gives you an appreciation for just how very large everything is once you get out there and away from itty-bitty earth. Not only is this entire thing just a really cool idea, it's also fun to play with!

fandom: the big bang theory, artist: fujiidom, miscellaneous: website, rec

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