Rec: Vorkosigan Saga

Jun 25, 2011 16:51

Title: A Deeper Season
Author: lightgetsin and sahiya
Pairing: Gregor/Miles
Summary: Take one Miles, a hapless cousin, Cetagandan social politics, a galactic conspiracy, a scientific discovery, a lot of firepower, and an unexpected declaration. Mix well and step back quickly.

"In any case," Gregor continued, smile returning, "have you considered Barrayaran men? You might have better luck there."

"Uh," said Miles, who was beginning to develop a case of conversational whiplash. "I can't say I have, no. I rather doubt Barrayaran men would consider me, anyway." He reached for the wine. Better than coffee, at the moment. "But what about you?" he hazarded, in attempts to push the conversation back to more fruitful ground. "You never did tell me exactly what it is you're waiting for."

Gregor shrugged. "Sanity," he said lightly. "An opportunity. A miracle. Just time, lately." He leaned forward and took a careful breath, as if gathering himself, and when he looked at Miles again, all humor was gone from his face. "I want someone who will want me in return, who would want me with or without the Imperium. I want someone who could be my equal. I want to know someone as deep as the soul, and be known in return. I want . . . I want to lay my hands between another's, for the first time."

Miles's breath caught. That was a powerful metaphor, a strange choice of Gregor's - surely it was a metaphor.

Gregor paused for one more breath, then reached across the table and took Miles's hands. His touch lingered for a bare, nearly tender millisecond over the kitten scratches, then he turned Miles's palms inwards towards each other, and slipped his own hands between them.

Miles stared for one blank, astonished moment, watching his smaller hands press automatically inward on Gregor's larger ones. He should probably clean his nails, he thought. Then realization arrived as if on a time delay, and Miles felt a hot rush of color flood up his neck and into his face. He snatched his hands back and grabbed the edge of the table like an anchor to reality.

"Are you out of your over-bred, under-nourished, high Vor mind?"

If you've never read the Vorkosigan books, my first response would be why not!? Then I'd tell you to go read them, all of them. Because they are Just That Good.

Then I'd make you come back and read this fic. Because there is just that much to love in this fic.

For example there are the characters. Who are achingly well written. It's very hard, sometimes when embarking on fics of such an epic nature, to maintain the characters core qualities while changing things enough to make the story just work. In this fic, the authors have managed, with aplomb, to succeed in that difficult task. Both Miles and Gregor are note perfect.  And with the assistance of a varied and enjoyable supporting cast - most particularly, Ivan and Corderlia - make this fic shine.
Then, of course, there is the plot. I love epic fics, partly because it's almost impossible to write a epic fic without having an awesome plot to motivate the writing of all those words. And that is doubly true here. This fic consists of a long and satisfying romance, with a plot that is intriguing, exciting and adventurous in turns.
In order to cap off the awesome, this fic is only one in a series, and there are several other, equally awesome, fics to be enjoyed once this one is finished. Enjoy :)

pairing: gregor/miles, author: sahiya, author: lightgetsin, fandom: vorkosigan, rec

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