rec: Multi-fandom

Oct 17, 2010 02:57

Title: Us
Vidder: lim
Fandom: Multi-fandom
Pairing: gen
Summary: A tour de force of fandom and those in it. This is a vid for us.

There's so much that can be said about this vid. On the one hand it's an amazing celebration of fandom, on the other it's a detailed analysis of who we are, and who we are not. It's a vid that proposes that maybe you can only understand 'us' by being one of 'us' and that if you aren't able to view fandom through the lenses of a fan you are only ever going to get half the story. Because so much of the story is tied up in the emotion and love we feel for the works we celebrate everyday in our own way, whether it's by vidding, writing, or even reading, its the things we love that make us who we are and without the love it just doesn't make sense. I love this vid for what it says about 'Us' and I'm amazed anew, every time I see it, by just how beautiful it is.  

fandom: multi-fandom, vid, vidder: lim, rec

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