Alone Time

Jul 29, 2011 23:34

Title: Alone Time

Genre: Drama/Romance

Pairing(s): USUK, OC--->America

Word Count: 2,297

Rating/Warnings: mentions of sex and homophobia, OCs show up, swearing, random switching of POVs

Summary: England was expecting a holiday with America to be more about spending some alone time together. He seems to be very mistaken. Canon. Done for the ' tropical vacation' prompt on the usxuk summer camp.

"Hawaii!" America yelled as he jumped the last few steps down onto the grass. He felt the rush of familiarity from being on his land before turning back to England, still descending the steps as if he was being awarded marks for how graceful he could be.

"Come on Arthur," America moaned, careful to use his human name in public. No need to draw even more attention to them. England finally reached the bottom step and looked at America with sunglasses-covered eyes.

"Coming to one of your own states doesn't count as a holiday Alfred," England said calmly and America rolled his eyes. Trust England to have his first comment off the plane to be a criticism.

"Well it's in the Tropics, so it counts as a vacation," America pointed out and England stared at him in surprise. "What?" America asked, slightly self-consciously.

"Nothing. I was just surprised you knew about the Tropics. I guess since this is one of your States, I shouldn't be surprised though," England answered and America let his head flop back in exasperation so he was staring at the sky for a minute before pulling his head back to its normal position.

"What is with you? You've been really grouchy for the past few hours, is there anything I should know about?" America knew that his tone was slightly mocking but it did not deserve England hitting him with his carry-on bag.

"Darling, you should have waited for us!" Lisa Heartfield, newly wedded wife of Wayne Heartfield, waved at them from the door of the plane. America waved back happily and England made a muttered comment that America could not catch as he turned away. Lisa hurried down the stairs and Wayne appeared in the doorway, large and muscled, weighed down with his and his wife's bags. America smiled bemusedly at Lisa as she hugged his arm tightly.

"Hey Lisa. Sorry, I was just really excited to step onto the ground," America apologised and Lisa smiled prettily at him.

"Don't worry darling. Wayne and I were just so excited that we met another honeymoon couple on the plane and we're staying in the same hotel as well!"

"Yeah, it's so exciting!" America grinned at Lisa and put an arm around her shoulders. He really enjoyed talking to another couple, especially two of his people. There was no hidden agenda like with other nations and he got to act as lovey with England as he wanted without being teased. "Come on, do you want to get a taxi together to the hotel?" Lisa nodded and they both headed towards the taxi rank, closely followed by England and Wayne. It was going to be a fun vacation.

Five days. Five fucking days that England had put up with Lisa's incorrigible flirting and Wayne's subtle, homophobic put-downs and he was bloody sick of it. He didn't think he could hate a holiday with America as much as he was hating this one. He couldn't stay for one more wretched dinner, barely eating anything as the nausea from watching Lisa and America together conquered any appetite that he might once have had.

England heard the shower stop and slowed his packing for a minute before continuing at the same pace as before. He would not have left America without a word anyway, it was just that he was not looking forward to this awkward conversation. The bathroom door opened and steam billowed out.

"I think I used a little more hot water than I should've." England knew the second that America registered what he was doing because he heard the sharp, indrawn breath. Coward that he was, England could not raise his eyes to even look at America's face. "Why are you packing?"

"I'm taking the next flight back to my home. I'll meet you at the end of the holiday," England said quietly, still not looking at America as he folded a pair of trousers and laid them neatly in the suitcase.

"I don't understand... what did I do wrong? We haven't had any fights and I don't remember saying anything you would hate enough to cause you to leave." England heard the uncertainty in America's voice and hated it. The anger would almost be preferable to that. When England finally raised his eyes to look at America, his beloved was looking so confused and so heartbroken that England almost told him to forget it and endure another five days of knowing that he was hated and worthless. The only thing that made England reconsider is the fact that America would not allow the matter to drop.

"You haven't done anything wrong. Nothing at all." England struggled to find a way to explain what he was feeling without America thinking that England was attacking him. "It's just I think it would be better if I wasn't here. It would not impact your enjoyment of the holiday at all and I would be able to get some work done." England tried to present everything in a calm, reasonable way but it didn't seem to be working; America's face was turning red with anger.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" America demanded and England put the pair of socks he had picked up into the suitcase. "And stop packing! Why are you leaving?" America sounded desperate and England felt his temper snap.

"Because I am fed up of seeing Lisa flirt with you and completely ignoring her husband and I. It makes me actually ill and I can't eat when I'm around her, why do you think I've haven't eaten anything over the past few days? Let's not forget her darling husband's comments about how, since I'm gay, I'm going to burn in hell. Apparently you'll be okay because you also like women but I'm the scum of the Earth for not trying to flirt with his wife!" England turned away abruptly and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes, trying to stop the burn of angry tears. This was not how he wanted it to go. "God, I just wanted to have a holiday with you that was just the two of us, but the only time we've gotten alone is from our room to the hotel reception. I can't stand another dinner with them, I really can't. I'm sorry." Wanting to be alone before any tears could come out, England headed for the door. Before he had taken more than three steps, America was in front of him, barring the door.

"No. We're going to talk about this England," America said firmly but as England looked up at him, his eyes widened in realisation. "You're really upset by this, aren't you." It wasn't a question and England was glad he didn't have to answer it. America wrapped his arms around him and England bent his head so his nose was buried in America's shoulder. His arms snaked around America's waist and squeezed him tightly, probably more than was comfortable. "It's okay England, it's okay. I'll cancel tonight. I'll fix this, I promise." Not believing him, England tightened his hold on America. At least now they were alone.

The next morning England woke to find himself alone. Not feeling particularly worried, England dressed and got ready, noticing as he did so the note on the beside cabinet.

Meet you downstairs England.

Love America

England wondered what was going on and travelled downstairs with several ideas buzzing around in his head. In the reception, Alfred was already speaking to Lisa and Wayne, most likely apologising for the no show last night. Lisa, looking pretty in pink, was nodding with a smile on her face. Wayne was not looking so happy but he wasn't looking angry or hostile either so England felt that it was safe enough for him to go over. When America caught sight of him, he gave England a beaming smile that he could not help but return. He sat down next to America and America kissed him quickly.

"Good morning," he almost sang to England who was feeling slightly confused. He felt like he was missing something. "I was just telling Wayne and Lisa that we thought it would be better if we get some alone time. Since it is their honeymoon and we are for a romantic getaway." America winked at England while Lisa laughed in the background. Up close, Wayne looked a lot happier but he obviously did not show positive emotions well.

"We have enjoyed our days with you but it would be nice to get some meals and events with just the two of us, wouldn't it darling?" Lisa turned to Wayne who nodded enthusiastically. "We'll have to a meal at the end of your holiday though."

"Definitely. We'll see you guys around," America said as he gave a bright smile to Lisa and Wayne as they stood up and boarded the lift. England was much more charitable towards them and gave them a pleasant smile as they disappeared from view. "Do you feel better now?" America asked without looking at England and England nodded.

"So much better. Thanks Alfred." America hugged England which he gladly returned before they pulled apart.

"Ready for an amazing day?" England felt confused again as America whisked him into a taxi with nothing more than a smile.

Somehow, England could not understand when America had managed to do it, America had managed to get a private beach just for the two of them with a picnic set up for them high up the sand.

"Oh America," England murmured as he just stared at the scenery as the taxi drove off. America bounded up next to him and England could almost feel him rocking in excitement.

"I thought this would make up for the last few days. Plus you get me and I get you completely alone. No one else around for miles." England turned his head towards America and smiled. Suddenly, England pounced and America reeled back as England kissed him firmly on the lips. America barely registered that England was kissing him before he was pulling away.

"Race you to the sea," England said, mischief dancing in his eyes. Next thing America knew, he was running straight towards the surf and it took a moment for America to realise what he had said. With a yell, he chased after England.

"That's cheating!" America yelled as England hit the sea first, his speed decreasing dramatically as the water swirled around his legs. America hit the sea next but kept up his speed before running into England, knocking them both into the sea. America swallowed as least several cupfuls of water as it flooded his nose and mouth and England spluttered beneath him, pushing America off so they could both sit up.

"What made you think that would be a good idea?" England said grumpily but America could see the smile that he tried to repress. It made America laugh even though he knew that he would regret his actions when they had to go back to the hotel in salt-stiffened clothes. He rose to his feet, easily pulling England up as well as they trudged to the edge.

"Come on, we'll have to get changed. I've got our swimsuits in my bag," America said as he watched England gingerly walked to where America had dumped their things before following England into the sea.

"We can't change here!" England said horrified and America shot him an amused look.

"It's only us around. After all, we're now completely alone," America said, getting close to England and staring into his eyes. He smiled as England turned red and leaned closer. Maybe he should had done this at the start of the holiday, he didn't realise how much he missed being alone with England until it actually happened.

"Fine. What else have you got in that bag?" England asked as he stripped off his clothes. Now that America had reassured him that no one was around, he had no qualms about stripping down and pulling on his swimsuit. America was sad that England had to cover up again but if anyone happened to walk by, it would be better not to completely shock them.

"Er..." America took a moment to stare at England in his swimsuit and completely unable to gather his thoughts during that moment. "Food, towels, sunscreen. You know, the usual stuff." America saw the little smile England tried to hide at his blatant staring and decided to give in to the temptation to kiss him. After a minute they pulled apart, smiling at each other.

"I'm not having sex with you on the beach," England said, still smiling and America felt his hopes crash down into the sand.

"What? Why not? It'll be really romantic," America wheedled, snaking an arm around England's waist and pouting slightly. He knew that his pout irritated England but England also gave in a lot more when America made his eyes really wide and pleading. This time, England remained unmoved.

"No it wouldn't. There is sand and lots of dirty, salty water. These can get places where I do not want them to go. We. Are. Not. Having. Sex," England said clearly and America nodded.

"Alright, alright! No sex! We can still kiss though?" America asked and England nodded, smiling like he had before. This time he was the one to kiss America.

"Of course we can. Now what food have you brought back?" England was looking more relaxed and happier than America had seen him all holiday and he rejoiced in finding something that England enjoyed. He failed to take into account that England was just enjoying being alone with him, like it should have been all holiday.

I'm feeling happy that my essay has been handed in, I passed my exams and I've got my laptop back. I thought LJ was working but now it's being weird again. I'll try and reply to your comments as soon as I can. I am reading them though.

alone time, summer camp, america/england, hetalia, special relationship, england, america

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