Believe In Me

Aug 01, 2011 08:11

 Title: Believe In Me

Genre: Drama/Romance

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 1,415

Rating/Warnings: 15, mentions of emotional/psychological torture

Summary: Due to their lack of humanity, the fae can hold grudges for hundreds of years. America experiences this in full force one 4th July.(Hidden in the Dark) England's verdict has been passed (Come Into the Light) and now things are starting to get back to normal. Done for the ' love' prompt of the usxuk summer camp.

England peeled off the dressing that was taped to America's neck with great care, gently massaging the skin after it was stretched the tape that had been used to keep the gauze in place.

"Almost all gone now," he said quietly and America let out a long exhale. England found that he now able to look at the rapidly healing scratches on America's hand and neck, which was a big step after avoiding the sight of them even when he changed America's bandages. The scratches had been deep but clean and with a healing balm, America's skin was quickly sewing itself back together again.

"Thanks England." America was quiet after that and England settled himself into making dinner for the two of them as had been the tradition the past few days. England would keep it up until America complained about his cooking like he would have done before. At the moment he was silent, as he had been ever since he was attacked. However England detected a change in the silence, it was more contemplative as if America was trying to process everything, unlike the terrified silence straight after the attack. England knew which one he preferred.

"Dinner is going to be another hour. Do you want to pick a film for us to watch?" England wiped his hand on the tea towel as he eyed the boiling pasta with a critical look. A lid or not a lid, that was the question.

"Um, maybe 'Valentine's Day'?" America suggested a romantic comedy as he had been every evening since England had suggested the idea. Normally America fell asleep resting against England's chest and England knew that it was a reliable way of making sure that America could get to sleep without thinking of the invisible fae hiding in every corner. England knew that the fae terrified America as much as ghosts did, he was blind to both of them and unable to gain the weapons to fight them.

"Why don't we watch my Pride and Prejudice boxset? It's highly entertaining and I think you would enjoy it." The last part was a total lie, England thought it would put America to sleep quicker than anything else. Unused to England suggesting the film, America nodded without quite realising what he was agreeing to and England grinned. Maybe this would snap America  back to normal.

"Wait a second, Pride and Prejudice?" America looked horrified and England sniggered at the expression. The boy should learn to pay attention, especially around him.

"Yes, Pride and Prejudice. You did just agree to it after all," England replied innocently and he turned back to his cooking, which was boiling over, with a smirk. Definitely more than a hint of the normal America.

Surprisingly England was the one who felt himself drifting off to sleep just after Mr Darcy's first confession to Elizabeth. He was resting comfortable against America's side, his head on the other man's chest and his legs curled up on the sofa beside him. He was on the edge of sleep, his eyes were closed and he was in a pleasant dozing state when America shifted slowly so they both were lying down on the sofa.

"England? Are you awake?" Feeling lazy, England couldn't be bothered to reply to America's query and continued to breathe slowly and deeply against his chest. "Okay, so you're asleep. That's good, that's good." America seemed hesitant and England could feel his curiosity build. "I love you England." There was quiet from America, which was good as England's ears were filled with a strange buzzing noise. He must have heard that wrong, there was no possible way that America could have just said that to him.

For a moment, a brief, clear moment, England considered the chance that America did love him and had done for as long as England had. The next moment the thought was discarded as complete rubbish and England started to wonder about how badly America must have been affected by the past few weeks if he was becoming emotionally dependent on the most available man around. The thought immediately following that one was how to show America that he was just feeling vulnerable and he didn't actually love England without insulting the proud nation. England felt asleep thinking of this and did not realise that America knew he had been awake and knew that England had heard what he said.

It all came to a head a week later. America had been irritable all week and England had been completely lost as to why. One day England made a comment about America's awful mood and America snapped.

"Well, I'm sorry that the guy I love decides to completely ignore me confessing to him. I mean, not even a hint that you heard or anything and I know that you did hear," America said, pointing an accusing finger at England. England now felt completely off balance, as if the whole world was different to when he last saw it.

"Yes I did hear. And no, I didn't hint about anything because I was hoping that you forget about it without me pointing it out." As soon as he said this, England knew that he had said the wrong thing. America looked completely heartbroken and England hurried to fix it. "It's just that you're not feeling yourself at the moment and so you aren't actually feeling love. That was why I was hoping that you could forget about it."  America stared at England in disbelief.

"That is the most ridiculous load of crap I've ever heard," America said flatly and England felt anger stir inside him. "Did you ever think that I've loved you for ages and ever since we've both told the truth and become closer, I've wanted to tell you. Ever think of that?"

"No," England said flatly, ignoring the flair of hope in his chest. America's expression turned into something strange, almost pitying.

"Why not?" America's voice was quiet but England felt just as tense as when his anger had been obvious.

"Because it's me. And you. You cannot be in love with me, it's not possible," England said the words firmly and now he could see that the expression America was wearing was definitely pity. It did not improve his mood.

"England, do you love me?" America asked, almost out of blue and England took a minute to gape at him. America's ability to bounce from topic to topic with seemingly no connection to anyone else was amazing and infuriating in equal measures. Deciding that America could hear the truth whether he was ready for it or not, England crossed his arms and nodded.

"Yes, I love you." America grinned.

"I was expecting this to be a more romantic moment, but at least I know that you're not rejecting me." England stared at the smiling America. He felt like he was missing something.

"But you don't love me," England repeated. He hated feeling confused and America was smiling at him with a understanding smile that made England want to punch him.

"I love you. I'm not under any emotional strain that is causing me to confuse my feelings. These are not new feelings. I love you." America took a step towards England and England felt  his face scrunch up and he shook his head. It was not possible. America and him, it would never happen and he had accepted that. Now America was disrupting that calm acceptance.

"No you don't," England folded his arms.

"Yes I do. I love you England," America said with a soft smile and took a step closer. England swallowed and shook his head.

"No you don't. Stop lying!" England was tempted to take a step back when America took another step forward but held his ground. He looked a little less happy and England felt himself relax slightly. America was no longer acting like England was being an idiot.

"I do England, I do love you." America stepped forward again so he was right in front of England and they were eye-to-eye, chest-to-chest. "And I'm going to keep telling you until you believe me." England felt like he was in a daze as America smiled and kissed him for a long moment before pulling away. England did not believe America, but he knew that the boy was more determined that anyone could hope to be and if he said he would keep saying it, then that was something England did believe.

Last one of these stories! Hope you liked. Thanks for your comments!

believe in me, summer camp, america/england, hetalia, special relationship, england, america

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