The Perfect Pair

Jul 26, 2011 14:00

Title: The Perfect Pair

Genre: Fluff/Romance

Pairing(s): USUK, Americat/Iggycat (both could be seen as platonic)

Word Count: 1,035

Rating/Warnings: one swear word, PG/12

Summary: England has recently bought a cat. Everything was going fine until America brought his cat over. Nekotalia and Canon. Done for the 'nekotalia' prompt of the usxuk summer camp.

England looked down at the cat, not even raising an hand to pet the cat hissing and spitting in the corner. It was a Scottish fold, white with an orange tail and an orange left ear, and looked rather bedraggled.

"Sir, can't I interest you in some other cat?" The shelter owner looked nervously at the cat but England did not even raise an eyebrow.

"No. He's perfect." The cat stopped hissing and looked at England suspiciously. England smiled at the cat. "I think I'll call you Dickens." The cat approached England cautiously and after no hand was extended into the cage, he poked his nose out.

"Excellent name. I'll just go and get a cage." The man left England alone with Dickens and the cat meowed plaintively.

"Well done for asking," England said primly before slowly putting a hand inside the cage. Dickens stood quite still and England was able to pet him. "Yes, you'll really do. Come on, let's take you home." England tentatively picked Dickens up, which was tolerated barely, just as the owner came back with the cage. He spluttered but England ignored him as he put Dickens in the cage, albeit with a few hisses.

"That cat hasn't allowed anyone to touch him since we picked him up off the street," the owner said in disbelief as he looked at Dickens who gave him a glance before deciding the man was not worth his attention and so settled down to sleep.

"You just need to touch him on his terms and not yours," England pointed out. Of course Dickens didn't want any person just sticking their hand into his cage and disrupting his peace. After all, England was exactly the same.

"Good luck," the owner said to England as they walked to the front of the shelter. England smiled as he paid the man and picked up the basket.

"I think we'll get along just fine," England replied politely.

England and Dickens did indeed get on fine, they peacefully co-existed in the same house. When Dickens wanted to be stroked, he would rub at England's leg and when England wanted to stroke Dickens, he repaid the cat with a treat. Both of them had very similar personalities and so understood each other perfectly. However when America brought his new cat to England's, Dickens and England were disturbed out of their new life together.

"England, meet Captain," America said loudly as he plopped a large white cat with a brown tail and ruff around its neck on top of England's book on his lap. The cat yowled just as loudly as his master and stretched, shedding fur all over England. England looked at it in distaste and Dickens made a dignified entrance, obviously curious about what was going on. America also noticed and he turned around. "Who's this?"

"America, this is Dickens. I brought him from a shelter a few weeks ago," England admitted. He knew that America would eventually get it out of him. America examined Dickens closely and Dickens just eyed the new man in suspicion. England couldn't blame his cat.

"No wonder you chose him. He has your eyebrows!" America sniggered and Dickens' fur stood on end as he hissed. England turned red and failed to see Captain noticing Dickens for the first time.

"Shut up you idiot. We get on well together, Dickens is a perfectly lovely cat." As he knew that he was being praised, Dickens broke out of his threatening stance and purred loudly. Captain's tail twitched and he crouched down. With a sudden push, Captain leapt off England's lap and straight onto the smaller Dickens. Dickens yowled and twisted out from underneath Captain. As he managed to get free, he swiped out with a clawed paw and caught Captain right across the nose, making him yowl as well.

"Shit," America hissed as he picked up Captain. England moved so he could kneel next to Dickens who was now licking his paw and completely ignoring the noisy Captain.

"America, can you please control your cat?" England said irritably as he rifled through his pockets to find a cat treat to offer Dickens. Dickens took it gratefully and rubbed his head against England's knee, inviting a scratch behind the ears.

"Captain was just saying hello! He was a little overexcited. Besides it was your cat that left the mark on poor Captain," America cooed to the cat who had finally stopped fussing and was now watching Dickens in interest. Not trusting America's cat not to get revenge, England pulled Dickens a little closer. With a little wriggle, Captain had jumped out of America's arms and landed with a heavy thump in front of Dickens.

"See?" England hissed to America who was watching Captain with a surprised expression.

"Just leave them to it England," America replied and both nations watched as Captain slowly approached a haughty-looking Dickens. Captain meowed at Dickens and England could have sworn that Dickens rolled his eyes. He seemed to relax though and Captain moved forward a little more, so he was close enough to touch Dickens. Dickens glanced at Captain and batted him with a paw, which had its claws retracted England noticed. Captain meowed again and licked Dickens' paw, before leaping out of the way of the swat. "Looks like they're friends now," America said happily and England watched as Captain nuzzled a tolerant Dickens.

"I guess they are," England murmured. He was completely stunned, after an introduction like that he had felt that Captain and Dickens would have remained enemies for life. Ignoring his master completely, Dickens started to stroll towards the kitchen where his cat food bowl was waiting, with Captain trailing behind.

"Anyway, what kind of name is Dickens?" America said with a snort and England flared up.

"It's an actual name unlike Captain! Where on Earth did you get that one from?"

"Captain America of course!" America replied earnestly. "But I couldn't call him America because that's my name so Captain it was." England regarded his friend in disbelief.

"Of course. Why didn't I see it?" England muttered to himself sarcastically. He decided to join the cats in the kitchen, they would probably make more sense than America.

I would have never have written nekotalia if not for this prompt and I probably won't write it again. LJ is still being slightly glitchy but I can answer comments and post things again! Thanks for your comments, the summer camp is almost finished!

summer camp, england, america, nekotalia, perfect pair, hetalia, america/england, special relationship

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