8-3: When Angels Fall
Such a fun fight: BCNM against 4 Pots: 2 BLM and 2 RDM types. Unsleepable without Elemental Seal, can't silence, can't bind.
Totally wipage first time we tried. Our last time we got the two BLM pots killed before we wiped in a safe spot and reraised to full.
We were doing amazing, we had only 1 pot left (RDM) and all the sudden we all take 1000 damage and drop like rocks.
Nobody had put Reraise up after we wiped a second time, except for me and Teh. The final pot had 1% HP left before we won. I was double-weakened from the two deaths, and our time limit (30 minutes) could quickly become an issue. I decided to rest til unweakened -> Elemental Seal -> Blizzard III for the kill. I also used Chainspell so I wouldn't be interrupted while casting.
While waiting for Raises outside the BCNM...
Promathia has awakened!
This is the Empyreal Paradox, the most bad ass battle arena in the entire game. When you look down you can see Vanadiel, and above are the mothercrystals and constellations.
The Promathia fight itself is pretty difficult and a lot of survivability is based on your ability to RUN THE HELL AWAY when Promathia is casting Meteor. We wiped the first time. After the first try, Infinittt's wife made him log off and Lildizz's parents were threatening to shut down their router. So we picked up Myzary and Sayiaman from OniKage as Summoner and Samurai respectively. Win.
Vanadiel again
And the title recieved after completing Chains of Promathia storyline.
And this I found humerous.
We're gonna re-do Promathia for Infinittt and Lildizz next time they're available.
Many thanks to my CoP Static!
Ryne - Thief, Ninja
Nanorii - Red Mage, Bard
Teh - White Mage, Red Mage
Sway - Black Mage, Summoner
Infinittt - Ranger
Lildizz - Paladin
(and thanks to Chiefbootron for helping out on two earlier CoP Missions and the countless others who helped me get the 3 Promyvions done before a static was even in the works.)
Thank god for christmas break or I'd never have gotten the time to do this with you all.