== Chains of Promathia ==

Dec 18, 2006 12:23

4-2: The Savage
Fighting a dragon, Ouryu.
Win/Total = 1/2

4-3: Secrets of Worship
LONG mission. Key farming in Sacrarium for hours, then killing stuff in the Coast and Lufaise to remove Fomor hate. Infinittt d/c'd after key farming and we waited for him for about two hours before he was able to come back on. Wiped once on the Boss, a ghost/undead named Keremet, went back and bought more supplies and then killed him.

After the final CS in Sacrarium, group shot next to the statue of Promathia.

5-3: Desires of Emptiness
Promyvion-Vahzl, not too hard to get to the Spire.

Win/Total: 1/2
We had farmed -->15<-- Animas for the final 3-Boss fight. We used 13 animas on the fight that we wiped on. After the devastating defeat (we had only gotten about 50% done with the bosses), we were going to call it a day, then Teh convinced us to try one more time even though we only had 2 Animas left and no 2hrs. With some awesome strategies and some kiting from me, we won!

5-4: Three Paths
Shikaree BCNM, way too easy.

Snoll Tzar, the BCNM I was worried about. I've heard horror stories about this guy. You have 45 seconds to dish out as much damage as you can. Snoll Tzar has 9,000 HP. 45 seconds, 9,000 HP. First time we tried it, we ran out of time at Snoll Tzar 1%. We waited for our 2hrs to come back, and tried it again. As Infinittt put it:

And we won.

Win/Total: 1/2

Next up was the Bugbear/Moblin BCNM in Newton Movopolis (spelling?). It was easy, but afterwards we each had to farm a Gold Key in the surrounding areas. For some reason, the game kept glitching when I'd zone out into Newton, and I'd fall through the bridge and down into the black area where characters aren't supposed to go. I escaped myself out and came back in, but I fell down again. So I was stuck down there for a few hours while everyone else farmed keys.

6-4: One To Be Feared
The God Almighty 6-4 Airship Fight. Said by some to be the hardest mission in all of Chains of Promathia. Yeah, it kind of is.

We tried it the first time with me as RDM with Lildizz tanking Omega and Ultima as Paladin, but that didn't work well at all. I switched to Bard for Elegy and Mambo, and we switched Ryne in as Ninja to tank Omega and Ultima, and Lil turned into a DD Paladin. Took us 3 tries before we got a solid strategy that involved wiping once on Omega.

It worked great and we won with Sway dropping a FlareCruiseMissile on Ultima for the kill.
Win/Total: 1/4 (1/5?)

7-5: A Warrior's Path
Tenzen is the fight right before Sea access. He's another of those "do this much damage in this much time period or you'll all die" kinda deals.

He didn't withstand two chainspell Thunder III's, an Eagle Eye Shot, Manafont, and god knows what other 2hrs we threw at him. He didn't even got a chance to use his 'final move' Cosmic Eludation. He was down before he knew what hit him.


8-1: The Garden of Antiquitiy
Long-ass NPC Escort Quest. We did it with an alliance, Teh had two friends who needed it and Kujo had the map memorized, so he lead us. Was easy, just long and choppy.

These are two sea mobs that will kill your ass with no mercy:
---Yovra (called UFOs in slang) up in the sky, which you can't see unless you're looking up. If you walk beneath them, they descend on you like the plague and you'll be dead in a few hits. First time I wandered by myself in Sea, I got UFO aggro. I managed to Sleep II it (surprised as hell they can be slept), and popped a Reraise 2 Gorget then let myself die.
---Phuabos (called Sharks) below the water, which you don't really see unless you're looking down into the water. If you walk on top of them or get in their field of vision, they'll jump out of the water and start beating you down. Less intimidating than UFOs (I can solo a Shark if I need to), but still something to be looked out for

And here's some (not all) of the titles you recieve from doing Chains of Promathia misisons.

Our static has 2 missions left before we are officially DONE with the Chains of Promathia storyline. Then, onward to Tamas Ring!
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