I fail at fandom

Mar 09, 2013 23:09

It's been brought to my attention that I havent' posted here in... a year. Yeah, I suck. I'm still basically lurking everywhere. I have a tumblr but I really never post on it. (I like it for gifs, etc., but damn it's a pain in the ass to read fic at.)

I'm currently engaged in a serious Richard Armitage obsession. I watched The Hobbit, remembered Thorin as 'that other guy' from the like 2 Robin Hood episodes I'd seen (which was my same reaction to him in Captain America) and somehow that became "oh hey maybe I should watch 'North and South' and then 'his Vicar of Dibley episodes are on youtube' and then "... I need to find Robin Hood episodes NOW." And that's where I'm at. Plotting au threesome Robin Hood fic. I don't even know.

Work is still all consuming. Got a promotion in November 2011 and it's been long hours and thinking about things all night ever since. Which has translated into far less writing, but I'm trying to turn that around.

I'm also totally obsessing over The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. If anyone likes Pride and Prejudice, it's worth a look.

And that's basically the state of me. Went to Escapade, had fun as always, met new awesome people, saw familiar awesome people, had awesome Italian food. The usual. Going to Wondercon at the end of the month, probably going to buy all the comics. :)

I'm still hoping to work on the 2 Broke Girls/Avenger story but I've had bad writer's block about it. The next thing I post could actually be Robin Hood fic. Yay?

richard.armitage, fandom, robin.hood, life

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