Day Five In your own space, share something non-fannish you are passionate about with your fannish friends. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Soccer Soccer's always been the big sport in my hourse. My sister, brother, and I all joined AYSO and had a blast, so whenever a game was on tv- no matter the team- I would tend to leave it on and half-watch while I was doing other things. As my sister and I traveled more and more, we tended to watch on purpose, because when you're in Italy there's no much on the tv you're going to understand besides BBC Worldnews and soccer. Soccer doesn't need a translator. :) So now I have season tickets to the LA Galaxy and am ridiculously obsessed. I dance around when we score and I shout in outrage when the refs are ridiculous asshats. And I love it. I love the flow of the game and the skills of the players, and the fact that it's not about the one good player but about how to team works together.
Shoes No really. I'm ridiculously passionate about shoes. I have a problem. I stalk the sales racks and make wishlists for the ones that are too expensive to justify. I definitely get a shopping high in general (have a bad day at work, go buy make up and feel better. It's a problem.) But no other shopping high even compares to shoes. I wear a new gorgeous pair and feel pleased and giddy most of the day. I feel faintly silly about it, but yes. I am passionate about shoes.
I feel like I should post here about some kind of cause or something worthwhile. And I mean I am passionate about government and animals and all sorts of things. But talking about shoes and soccer is just more fun. So there you go. :)